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This category includes webpages about companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sell optical equipment components for the lab, such as mirrors, lenses, and filters. Optical laboratory equipment may include optical inspection equipment, optical benches, photonics, machine vision optics, electro-optical laboratory equipment, unmounted and mounted optics for optical benches, optical supplies and optical cleaning supplies. This category does not include lasers, unless the site submitted makes manufactures or distributes or supplies these products directly to be usable in a laboratory setting.
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Includes extensive technical information on optical filters and coatings. Online ordering.
Manufactures refractometers and polarimeters for use in the food and beverage industry, research labs, industrial facilities, universities and clinics.
Manufactures high-speed Mueller matrix polarimeters for simultaneously measuring all of the polarization properties of a sample, including retardance and a Stokes polarimeter for measuring the polarization state of light.
Distributor and trading company for photo detection components as well as optical and semiconductor materials. Includes product descriptions and information request form.
Large USA based manufacturer of optical tints, chemicals and instruments.
Manufacturer of crystals (ZnSe, KRS-5, Al2O3 and others), optical components and lasers for industry and research.
Manufacturer and distributor of ophthalmic lens processing supplies including consumables for surfacing, coating and finishing.
Specialist manufacturer of customizable optical components for industrial, laboratory and other uses.
Manufacturing and integration of optical components. Includes lenses, prisms and filters. Custom and off the shelf optics.
Offers night vision optics, infrared viewers, and goggles.
Provider of 'Deep Sky Black', a low reflectivity surface treatment for optical, laser and instrumentation applications, along with other optical anodic processes. Equinox designs and builds professional telescopes and optical systems.
Chinese manufacturer of precision optical components and crystals. Company profile, products and contacts.
Custom and off the shelf high precision optics.
Developer and manufacturer of digital CCD cameras for spectroscopic and imaging purposes. Also offers light measuring systems and solar cell inspection systems for the scientific research and industrial communities.
Provides optical equipment, pattern makers, patternless edgers, slit lamps, lensometers and polishers.
A supplier of lasers, optics, instrumentation and fiber optics components.
Designs and manufactures customized photon-counting detectors, PAPA detector, gamma and x-ray cameras, neutron detectors.
Glass filters and lenses, from high to low volume, custom and standard designs, glass machining and glass blowing.
Fused silica cuvettes for most types of spectroscopy.
Optical frequency measurements and optical synthesizers.
Manufacturer of a range of lenses, prisms, beam splitters and optical windows.
Manufacturer of optical components and systems, including nanostructured detectors. Based in Seoul, South Korea.
Large depth of field microscope images constructed from sequence of shallow depth images.
Omega Optical custom-designs and produces high performance optical filters and coatings in large volumes or single-piece quantities.
A manufacturer of high-speed and streak cameras. Cameras, components, company profile, and contacts which include international distributors.
A manufacturer of high performance CMOS and CCD camera systems and imaging video products for science.
Portable and laboratory forensic light equipment for use in forensic criminal investigations. Also offer liquid light guides.
Providers of lens edging equipment for the optical industry.
Manufacturers of optical filters for fluorescence instrumentation and microscopy, Raman instrumentation and laser analytical instrumentation.
A manufacturer of precision optical components, specializing in the production of optics for UV and IR spectral regions.
Products include optical tables, vibration Isolation, opto-mechanics, translation, rotation stages, goniometers, motorised positioners, controllers, micrometers, fine adjustment screws, optics, filters and lasers.
Optical component manufacturer of includes optical filters, color filters, mirrors, optical windows tempering and coating.
Manufacturer of optical test equipment specialising in the research and development of accurate, PC controlled optical test instruments for the industrial and scientific use.
A supplier of a wide range optical components made from different materials for numeroust applications.
Fused silica cuvettes for most types of spectroscopy.
Includes extensive technical information on optical filters and coatings. Online ordering.
Manufacturer of a range of lenses, prisms, beam splitters and optical windows.
Manufacturer of crystals (ZnSe, KRS-5, Al2O3 and others), optical components and lasers for industry and research.
Manufacturer and distributor of ophthalmic lens processing supplies including consumables for surfacing, coating and finishing.
Provider of 'Deep Sky Black', a low reflectivity surface treatment for optical, laser and instrumentation applications, along with other optical anodic processes. Equinox designs and builds professional telescopes and optical systems.
Manufacturers of optical filters for fluorescence instrumentation and microscopy, Raman instrumentation and laser analytical instrumentation.
Chinese manufacturer of precision optical components and crystals. Company profile, products and contacts.
Specialist manufacturer of customizable optical components for industrial, laboratory and other uses.
Manufacturer of optical test equipment specialising in the research and development of accurate, PC controlled optical test instruments for the industrial and scientific use.
Developer and manufacturer of digital CCD cameras for spectroscopic and imaging purposes. Also offers light measuring systems and solar cell inspection systems for the scientific research and industrial communities.
Manufactures refractometers and polarimeters for use in the food and beverage industry, research labs, industrial facilities, universities and clinics.
Custom and off the shelf high precision optics.
Optical component manufacturer of includes optical filters, color filters, mirrors, optical windows tempering and coating.
A manufacturer of precision optical components, specializing in the production of optics for UV and IR spectral regions.
Manufactures high-speed Mueller matrix polarimeters for simultaneously measuring all of the polarization properties of a sample, including retardance and a Stokes polarimeter for measuring the polarization state of light.
Large USA based manufacturer of optical tints, chemicals and instruments.
Optical frequency measurements and optical synthesizers.
Large depth of field microscope images constructed from sequence of shallow depth images.
A supplier of a wide range optical components made from different materials for numeroust applications.
Portable and laboratory forensic light equipment for use in forensic criminal investigations. Also offer liquid light guides.
Glass filters and lenses, from high to low volume, custom and standard designs, glass machining and glass blowing.
Provides optical equipment, pattern makers, patternless edgers, slit lamps, lensometers and polishers.
Manufacturing and integration of optical components. Includes lenses, prisms and filters. Custom and off the shelf optics.
A supplier of lasers, optics, instrumentation and fiber optics components.
Distributor and trading company for photo detection components as well as optical and semiconductor materials. Includes product descriptions and information request form.
Providers of lens edging equipment for the optical industry.
Products include optical tables, vibration Isolation, opto-mechanics, translation, rotation stages, goniometers, motorised positioners, controllers, micrometers, fine adjustment screws, optics, filters and lasers.
Omega Optical custom-designs and produces high performance optical filters and coatings in large volumes or single-piece quantities.
A manufacturer of high-speed and streak cameras. Cameras, components, company profile, and contacts which include international distributors.
Manufacturer of optical components and systems, including nanostructured detectors. Based in Seoul, South Korea.
Offers night vision optics, infrared viewers, and goggles.
Designs and manufactures customized photon-counting detectors, PAPA detector, gamma and x-ray cameras, neutron detectors.
A manufacturer of high performance CMOS and CCD camera systems and imaging video products for science.
Last update:
October 17, 2023 at 5:45:05 UTC
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