Science Instruments and Supplies Laboratory Equipment Radiation Measurement
Research and Industrial
Producers and distributors offering radiation measurement equipment for scientific research and industrial applications. Products include semiconductor detectors, scintillation detectors, gas proportional counters, position-sensitive radiation sensors, pulse-processing electronics, multichannel analyzers, field-portable spectrometry equipment, nuclear medicine instrumentation, nuclear assay and decommissioning systems, detector components.
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X-ray and gamma-ray detectors and pulse processing electronics.
Manufacturer and supplier of radiation measurement and analysis instrumentation, MCAs, HP(Ge), SiLi and CdZnTe detectors, data analysis software for nuclear research and related fields, X-ray fluorescence analysis systems.
Radiation monitoring and analysis instrumentation, serving industries engaged in nuclear power generation and decommisioning.
Provides specialized radiation detector components and systems for physics research, radiography, PET and nuclear medicine.
Manufacturer of a range of radiation detectors, including semiconductor detectors, proportional counters, neutron detectors and Geiger-Muller tubes.
Provides radiological instrumentation, laboratory and field measurement services as well as related scientific software products to industry, medicine, and government.
Manufactures and sells charge sensitive preamplifiers and shaping amplifiers for use in radiation detection instrumentation.
Develops and manufactures solid-state room temperature CZT (CdZnTe) detectors. Applications used for in medicine, industry, homeland security and laboratories. Located in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, USA.
Ion chambers, gas single wire counters, GM counters, gas filling systems.
ASIC design house specialising in nuclear radiation detection ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) and cryogenic electronics.
Low background alpha/beta counters, gamma spectroscopy systems, and gas flow proportional counters.
Liquid scintillation and gamma counters for biotechnology, life science research and environmental monitoring.
Supplier of radiation sensors to the nuclear power industry providing in-core and out-of-core detectors and electrical penetrations.
X-ray detector modules and systems, silicon drift detectors for X-ray fluorescence analysis, chamber sensors and associated electronics electronics.
Designers and manufacturers of nuclear radiation detectors including ionization chambers, Geiger-Mueller tubes, X-ray proportional counters and neutron detectors.
High-Pressure Xenon gamma-ray spectrometers and neutron activation analysis.
Radiation measurement instrumentation, systems design, development and manufacturing. Specializes in Tritium measurement.
XRF/XRD X-ray equipment, including detectors, tubes, windows, JFETs; also optics products including pbs, beamsplitters, and polarizers.
Provider of nuclear instrumentation, calibration standards, and nuclear medicine products.
Designs, manufactures and sells semiconductor radiation sensors. Specializes in silicon photodiodes for detection of ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet photons.
Position-sensitive proportional counter systems for the detection of X-rays, neutrons, and charged particles.
Supplier of radiation measurement systems, electronic instruments and modules, high resolution radiation detectors, and data analysis software for general nuclear research and related fields.
Range of detectors including neutron and gamma detectors (fission chambers, boron lined proportional counters, gamma ionization chambers, photomultipliers, image intensifiers, electron multipliers and micro-channel plates
Dosimetry systems and ionization chambers for the measurement of ionizing radiation, primarily for the medical field.
Fast detectors for science, medicine and industry for X-ray, IR, UV and visible detection. A spinout company from STFC and Diamond Light Source.
Medical X-ray system instrumentation and related products. Compliance and acceptance testing, quality assurance, field service and factory calibration.
CZT semiconductor radiation detectors for solid state diagnostic medical imaging systems.
Equipment for medical X-ray quality assurance and service: kVp, time, dose, dose rate, mA, mAs, light and focal spot size.
Signal processing technology for radiation detectors to reduce pulse pile up, detector dead time, poor energy resolution and system throughput.
High resolution scintillation-based gamma spectroscopy systems.
Maker and distributor of TASTRAK a CR-39 plastic used for nuclear particle track detection.
Designer of tritium surface monitors, tritium in breath monitors, tritium in air monitors, stack monitors, and other tritium handling equipment.
X-ray measurement meters for monitoring kVp, dose, dose rate, mA linearity, waveform, exposure time in medical X-ray equipment. Also offers several models for light measurement.
Designs, manufactures and sells semiconductor radiation sensors. Specializes in silicon photodiodes for detection of ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet photons.
Provider of nuclear instrumentation, calibration standards, and nuclear medicine products.
Dosimetry systems and ionization chambers for the measurement of ionizing radiation, primarily for the medical field.
Signal processing technology for radiation detectors to reduce pulse pile up, detector dead time, poor energy resolution and system throughput.
Fast detectors for science, medicine and industry for X-ray, IR, UV and visible detection. A spinout company from STFC and Diamond Light Source.
XRF/XRD X-ray equipment, including detectors, tubes, windows, JFETs; also optics products including pbs, beamsplitters, and polarizers.
Manufacturer and supplier of radiation measurement and analysis instrumentation, MCAs, HP(Ge), SiLi and CdZnTe detectors, data analysis software for nuclear research and related fields, X-ray fluorescence analysis systems.
Designer of tritium surface monitors, tritium in breath monitors, tritium in air monitors, stack monitors, and other tritium handling equipment.
Low background alpha/beta counters, gamma spectroscopy systems, and gas flow proportional counters.
ASIC design house specialising in nuclear radiation detection ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) and cryogenic electronics.
Equipment for medical X-ray quality assurance and service: kVp, time, dose, dose rate, mA, mAs, light and focal spot size.
Medical X-ray system instrumentation and related products. Compliance and acceptance testing, quality assurance, field service and factory calibration.
X-ray detector modules and systems, silicon drift detectors for X-ray fluorescence analysis, chamber sensors and associated electronics electronics.
High-Pressure Xenon gamma-ray spectrometers and neutron activation analysis.
X-ray and gamma-ray detectors and pulse processing electronics.
Manufactures and sells charge sensitive preamplifiers and shaping amplifiers for use in radiation detection instrumentation.
Range of detectors including neutron and gamma detectors (fission chambers, boron lined proportional counters, gamma ionization chambers, photomultipliers, image intensifiers, electron multipliers and micro-channel plates
Supplier of radiation sensors to the nuclear power industry providing in-core and out-of-core detectors and electrical penetrations.
Radiation monitoring and analysis instrumentation, serving industries engaged in nuclear power generation and decommisioning.
Provides radiological instrumentation, laboratory and field measurement services as well as related scientific software products to industry, medicine, and government.
Manufacturer of a range of radiation detectors, including semiconductor detectors, proportional counters, neutron detectors and Geiger-Muller tubes.
Develops and manufactures solid-state room temperature CZT (CdZnTe) detectors. Applications used for in medicine, industry, homeland security and laboratories. Located in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, USA.
Maker and distributor of TASTRAK a CR-39 plastic used for nuclear particle track detection.
Radiation measurement instrumentation, systems design, development and manufacturing. Specializes in Tritium measurement.
Liquid scintillation and gamma counters for biotechnology, life science research and environmental monitoring.
X-ray measurement meters for monitoring kVp, dose, dose rate, mA linearity, waveform, exposure time in medical X-ray equipment. Also offers several models for light measurement.
Ion chambers, gas single wire counters, GM counters, gas filling systems.
Position-sensitive proportional counter systems for the detection of X-rays, neutrons, and charged particles.
CZT semiconductor radiation detectors for solid state diagnostic medical imaging systems.
Provides specialized radiation detector components and systems for physics research, radiography, PET and nuclear medicine.
Designers and manufacturers of nuclear radiation detectors including ionization chambers, Geiger-Mueller tubes, X-ray proportional counters and neutron detectors.
High resolution scintillation-based gamma spectroscopy systems.
Supplier of radiation measurement systems, electronic instruments and modules, high resolution radiation detectors, and data analysis software for general nuclear research and related fields.
Last update:
October 17, 2023 at 5:35:13 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Government: Federal: US Senate: Former Members: Ben Sasse [R]
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