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Current Quantum Mechanics (QM) describes experiments well, physicist nevertheless disagree about physical meaning of the fundamental concepts of QM. This disagreement started with Einstein-Bohr debate and spawned several different interpretation of the same basic equations.

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Survey of the dynamical reduction program; from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Giancarlo Ghirardi.
First interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Niels Bohr
Skeptic (may be flippant but short) overview of the Interpretations
Report by Niels Bohr of his discussions with Albert Einstein over many years on the epistemological implications of quantum theory.
A set of frequently asked questions on Everett's many worlds approach to quantum mechanics
Describes Everett's attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of quantum mechanics. From the Stanford Encyclopedia.
John Bell and Bohmian QM
History of QM and Copenhagen Interpretation
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Carsten Held.
Describes a variation on the many worlds interpretation in which the Born probability rule can be derived via finite world counting.
Interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Hugh Everett according to which many universes exist in parallel at the same space and time.
Collapse of the wave function, role of the observer in QM; From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Henry Krips.
Papers and collections of thoughts on informational or Bayesian interpretions of quantum states by Christopher Fuchs.
An interpretation of quantum theory which discards the notions of absolute state of a system, absolute value of its physical quantities, or absolute event; from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Federico Laudisa and Carlo Rovelli.
A paper by A. Kent with a critical review of the literature on many-worlds interpretations. (March 31, 1997)
A paper by N. David Mermin presenting criteria for a 'good' interpretation of quantum mechanics. (September 17, 1996)
Bohmian mechanics is the most obvious embedding of Schrodinger's equation into a completely coherent physical theory. (April 12, 1995)
Describes a variation on the many worlds interpretation in which the Born probability rule can be derived via finite world counting.
Papers and collections of thoughts on informational or Bayesian interpretions of quantum states by Christopher Fuchs.
A set of frequently asked questions on Everett's many worlds approach to quantum mechanics
First interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Niels Bohr
Skeptic (may be flippant but short) overview of the Interpretations
Describes Everett's attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of quantum mechanics. From the Stanford Encyclopedia.
Collapse of the wave function, role of the observer in QM; From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Henry Krips.
History of QM and Copenhagen Interpretation
Survey of the dynamical reduction program; from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Giancarlo Ghirardi.
An interpretation of quantum theory which discards the notions of absolute state of a system, absolute value of its physical quantities, or absolute event; from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Federico Laudisa and Carlo Rovelli.
Interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Hugh Everett according to which many universes exist in parallel at the same space and time.
John Bell and Bohmian QM
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Carsten Held.
Report by Niels Bohr of his discussions with Albert Einstein over many years on the epistemological implications of quantum theory.
A paper by A. Kent with a critical review of the literature on many-worlds interpretations. (March 31, 1997)
A paper by N. David Mermin presenting criteria for a 'good' interpretation of quantum mechanics. (September 17, 1996)
Bohmian mechanics is the most obvious embedding of Schrodinger's equation into a completely coherent physical theory. (April 12, 1995)
Last update:
February 14, 2021 at 7:25:22 UTC
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