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UK laboratory providing court approved legal DNA testing, paternity testing, drug testing and alcohol testing.
Offers express DNA testing for paternity, maternity, sibling and family relationships. Based in UK. Offers court-directed tests for legal purposes.
Providing court approved and accredited DNA testing services. Including paternity testing, maternity testing and complex DNA relationship testing for immigration purposes.
Specialist DNA testing company providing legal DNA genealogy tests, ancestry DNA testing, genetic and DNA paternity test kits in UK.
Offering tests for prenatal, paternity, immigration including legal ancestry and relationship options. Includes FAQ, social media links, kit request and offering walk-in service for sample collection in West London.
Offers a range of accredited DNA testing services in the UK.
Offers a range of accredited DNA testing solutions.
Offers tests for kinship determination, predictive genetic screeniung, and personal identification for immigration purposes. UK court approved, with contacts in Wimbledon.
Offering tests for prenatal, paternity, immigration including legal ancestry and relationship options. Includes FAQ, social media links, kit request and offering walk-in service for sample collection in West London.
UK laboratory providing court approved legal DNA testing, paternity testing, drug testing and alcohol testing.
Offers a range of accredited DNA testing services in the UK.
Offers a range of accredited DNA testing solutions.
Offers express DNA testing for paternity, maternity, sibling and family relationships. Based in UK. Offers court-directed tests for legal purposes.
Providing court approved and accredited DNA testing services. Including paternity testing, maternity testing and complex DNA relationship testing for immigration purposes.
Specialist DNA testing company providing legal DNA genealogy tests, ancestry DNA testing, genetic and DNA paternity test kits in UK.
Offers tests for kinship determination, predictive genetic screeniung, and personal identification for immigration purposes. UK court approved, with contacts in Wimbledon.
Last update:
November 28, 2020 at 15:45:16 UTC
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