Sites 4
Information about where Hausa is spoken and the number of its speakers.
Wikipedia article.
Write-up on a reference grammar of the Hausa language, by one of the top authorities in the field, and published by Yale University Press.
Introduction to the Hausa language, including the basics of its phonetics and grammar, and some sample sentences illustrating everyday conversation in the language.
Information about where Hausa is spoken and the number of its speakers.
Introduction to the Hausa language, including the basics of its phonetics and grammar, and some sample sentences illustrating everyday conversation in the language.
Wikipedia article.
Write-up on a reference grammar of the Hausa language, by one of the top authorities in the field, and published by Yale University Press.
Last update:
November 11, 2018 at 9:45:04 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel