Latin, also known as Lingua Latina or Latina, is a Latino-Faliscan member of the Indo-European language family. Though now extinct, there are a number of ongoing efforts to preserve and revive it as a living language including those of the Vatican Latin Foundation.
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Reproduction of a list of "erroneous" Vulgar (Late) Latin words and their correct equivalents.
Latin language information: history of Latin, Latin names, Latin links, map of the empire, and gallery of images.
An annotated list of reference websites, some in Latin (The Library of Congress).
Database includes a large Latin-English vocabulary, derivative words, teaching-learning games, and other resources.
Guide to the rules of syllable quantity, types of poetic feet and meters in Latin.
Reproduction of a list of "erroneous" Vulgar (Late) Latin words and their correct equivalents.
An annotated list of reference websites, some in Latin (The Library of Congress).
Database includes a large Latin-English vocabulary, derivative words, teaching-learning games, and other resources.
Guide to the rules of syllable quantity, types of poetic feet and meters in Latin.
Latin language information: history of Latin, Latin names, Latin links, map of the empire, and gallery of images.
Other languages 7
Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 5:35:08 UTC
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