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This category is open to anything that is related to Emotional Intelligence (preferably with a scientific base). You'll find commercial sites (companies with an EQ offering), schools, sites with articles, some academic sites, etc.
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Subcategories 1

A California non-profit educational organization, offering a curriculum that includes transformational education and transformational meditation, in teaching individuals how to access accurate knowledge of the SELF.
Individuals with alexithymia have difficulty recognizing emotional states as they are happening. This site offers a detailed description of alexithymia, further Internet resources and books.
Offering practical information on Emotional Intelligence and implementing it in everyday life. With articles and information, offering coaching and training services to businesses, schools and individuals.
Information and cutting-edge research related to emotional intelligence in the workplace. Visitors can download the latest research findings and access reference materials related to emotional intelligence in organizations.
An expert delivery of emotional intelligence training, certification and online assessment, including: EQ-i and EQ 360.
A presentation about the history of emotional intelligence, why it matters, what its components are, how it's measured, and recommendations about how to improve it [PDF]
We focus on individual transformation and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and the way in which people work with each other. This involves our use of leading research in Emotional Intelligence, and related fields.
Describes a book by Steven Stein, Ph.D. 'The EQ Edge' is one of the few books that not only clearly defines what emotional intelligence is and how it differs from IQ, but also tells readers what practical steps they can take to enhance their emotional intelligence quotient.
Practical information on emotional intelligence. Critiques of Daniel Goleman's model of EI, and of EI tests. Also has information on emotions, emotional abuse and teen suicide.
Providing effective, proven EQ-based training and seminars. Includes articles, books and video clips from international EQ trainer, motivational speaker, executive coach and author Stephanie Vermeulen.
Provider of emotional intelligence assessment, training and development.
Creators of the EQ Map, the first statistically validated map for emotional intelligence in the workplace, now available online.
Individual coaching and mentoring services, profiling, optimism, resilience, sales training and development. Global provider of SASQ, DISC, Caliper, ESSI Stress Mastery and EQ Maps.
Heart intelligence tools and techniques, adapted to the specific needs of children during times of crisis or unexpected change.
Trust, Emotional Intelligence and leadership are the hallmarks of success. Lynn Leadership Group works with companies to provide both strategic and tactical methods including coaching, mentoring, and leadership development that deliver high performance.
Emotional Intelligence training, coaching, assessments and video training products.
The website for Maureen Bowes - facilitator in applied emotional intelligence for personal and team development.
Workshops held in Mallorca, Spain, which use emotional intelligence to develop the art of natural leadership in industry. Site includes art gallery
A nonprofit organization supporting EQ in schools, businesses, and families around the world. Training, resources, articles, and conferences on practical applications of emotional intelligence.
Helps you choose an appropriate emotional response; e.g. bullying - if you don't 'actively engage' with the attacker, they lose twice.
Offers online assessments such as appraisal, quickbook, and an interviewing guide.
A South Carolina non-profit educational organization helping children develop social and emotional intelligence through fresh and fun after school programs.
Trust, Emotional Intelligence and leadership are the hallmarks of success. Lynn Leadership Group works with companies to provide both strategic and tactical methods including coaching, mentoring, and leadership development that deliver high performance.
A South Carolina non-profit educational organization helping children develop social and emotional intelligence through fresh and fun after school programs.
An expert delivery of emotional intelligence training, certification and online assessment, including: EQ-i and EQ 360.
A presentation about the history of emotional intelligence, why it matters, what its components are, how it's measured, and recommendations about how to improve it [PDF]
Providing effective, proven EQ-based training and seminars. Includes articles, books and video clips from international EQ trainer, motivational speaker, executive coach and author Stephanie Vermeulen.
Practical information on emotional intelligence. Critiques of Daniel Goleman's model of EI, and of EI tests. Also has information on emotions, emotional abuse and teen suicide.
Workshops held in Mallorca, Spain, which use emotional intelligence to develop the art of natural leadership in industry. Site includes art gallery
Emotional Intelligence training, coaching, assessments and video training products.
Individuals with alexithymia have difficulty recognizing emotional states as they are happening. This site offers a detailed description of alexithymia, further Internet resources and books.
Offering practical information on Emotional Intelligence and implementing it in everyday life. With articles and information, offering coaching and training services to businesses, schools and individuals.
Information and cutting-edge research related to emotional intelligence in the workplace. Visitors can download the latest research findings and access reference materials related to emotional intelligence in organizations.
Individual coaching and mentoring services, profiling, optimism, resilience, sales training and development. Global provider of SASQ, DISC, Caliper, ESSI Stress Mastery and EQ Maps.
A nonprofit organization supporting EQ in schools, businesses, and families around the world. Training, resources, articles, and conferences on practical applications of emotional intelligence.
A California non-profit educational organization, offering a curriculum that includes transformational education and transformational meditation, in teaching individuals how to access accurate knowledge of the SELF.
Creators of the EQ Map, the first statistically validated map for emotional intelligence in the workplace, now available online.
The website for Maureen Bowes - facilitator in applied emotional intelligence for personal and team development.
Helps you choose an appropriate emotional response; e.g. bullying - if you don't 'actively engage' with the attacker, they lose twice.
We focus on individual transformation and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and the way in which people work with each other. This involves our use of leading research in Emotional Intelligence, and related fields.
Provider of emotional intelligence assessment, training and development.
Offers online assessments such as appraisal, quickbook, and an interviewing guide.
Heart intelligence tools and techniques, adapted to the specific needs of children during times of crisis or unexpected change.
Describes a book by Steven Stein, Ph.D. 'The EQ Edge' is one of the few books that not only clearly defines what emotional intelligence is and how it differs from IQ, but also tells readers what practical steps they can take to enhance their emotional intelligence quotient.
Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 5:35:17 UTC
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