This category is for native-style items, imitations, and historical replicas, and also for non-indigenous art forms inspired by native people or art.
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Subcategories 6
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Sites 31
Native American-themed bumper stickers, decals, and crafts.
Offering southwestern style jewelry, pottery, baskets, rugs, and western badges.
Carrying arts and crafts by native and non-native artists.
Featuring handcrafted Native American flutes, ceremonial spears, Kachina dolls, pottery, and gift items.
Navajo-style silver and turquoise jewelry, original art, and prints.
Offers a variety of native art, workshops, and gallery.
Primitive Native American replicas and flintknapping.
Music, books, and Indian-style crafts made by native and non-native artists.
Patterned after American Indian dreamcatchers.
Offering Native American and southwest style jewelry, home furnishings, and paintings.
Pagan dreamcatchers in pentacle style.
Decorated containers influenced by Southwest Indian craft.
Offering rugs, saddleblankets, and recreations of Indian artifacts.
Crafts and medicine inspired by the artist's native great-grandmother.
Jewelry, dreamcatchers, and wine charms inspired by the artist's Indian ancestry.
Music, clothing, jewelry, crafts, and musical instruments include Andean and Native American music.
Sales of handmade dreamcatchers. Ships in Canada and USA.
Indian-style jewelry and crafts.
Jewelry, crafts, and artifact replicas inspired by the artist's Lakota great-great-grandmother.
Sioux-inspired art and artifact replicas.
Replicas of native Canadian art.
Reproductions of Ojibwa artifacts.
Indian-inspired New Age accessories.
Beadwork and apparel in a variety of native styles.
Crafts inspired by the artist's Cherokee ancestry.
Offering Indian-style drums and rattles.
Crafts by an artist of partial Sioux descent.
Offering replica Indian jewelry and regalia.
British store carrying American Indian-style jewellery and crafts.
Native American crafts and supplies, Minnetonka moccasins, pottery and jewelry.
Carrying Indian-style jewelry and gifts.
Crafts and medicine inspired by the artist's native great-grandmother.
Patterned after American Indian dreamcatchers.
Music, clothing, jewelry, crafts, and musical instruments include Andean and Native American music.
Sales of handmade dreamcatchers. Ships in Canada and USA.
Offers a variety of native art, workshops, and gallery.
Featuring handcrafted Native American flutes, ceremonial spears, Kachina dolls, pottery, and gift items.
Native American crafts and supplies, Minnetonka moccasins, pottery and jewelry.
Offering Indian-style drums and rattles.
Carrying Indian-style jewelry and gifts.
Music, books, and Indian-style crafts made by native and non-native artists.
Jewelry, dreamcatchers, and wine charms inspired by the artist's Indian ancestry.
Offering Native American and southwest style jewelry, home furnishings, and paintings.
Carrying arts and crafts by native and non-native artists.
Indian-style jewelry and crafts.
Crafts by an artist of partial Sioux descent.
Offering replica Indian jewelry and regalia.
Decorated containers influenced by Southwest Indian craft.
Beadwork and apparel in a variety of native styles.
Reproductions of Ojibwa artifacts.
British store carrying American Indian-style jewellery and crafts.
Crafts inspired by the artist's Cherokee ancestry.
Pagan dreamcatchers in pentacle style.
Replicas of native Canadian art.
Jewelry, crafts, and artifact replicas inspired by the artist's Lakota great-great-grandmother.
Sioux-inspired art and artifact replicas.
Offering southwestern style jewelry, pottery, baskets, rugs, and western badges.
Offering rugs, saddleblankets, and recreations of Indian artifacts.
Primitive Native American replicas and flintknapping.
Navajo-style silver and turquoise jewelry, original art, and prints.
Indian-inspired New Age accessories.
Native American-themed bumper stickers, decals, and crafts.
Last update:
December 23, 2021 at 6:15:25 UTC
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