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This category includes general directories of online petitions, as well as tools and services to create and manage online and paper petitions. This includes sites which allow the creation of online petitions, software tools or modules for hosting your own petitions, tips and models for writing petitions, and services to analyze and deliver petition results.
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Enables anyone, anywhere to start a petition, mobilize support, and win change in anything from local concerns to global issues. Includes national press coverage, victories, tools and guides. [Numerous languages]
Offers free online petition hosting services, petition creation tools, and how to write a petition.
Provides free petition creation and database tools. Petitions can be hosted for free at iPetitions, or the tools can be easily integrated with an existing site.
A petition creation site with an environmental focus. Petitions submitted are reviewed by staff for relevance and quality before being posted to the site. Precedence is given to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
Includes petitions from nonprofit organizations and individuals, on topics such as environment, entertainment, politics, and human rights.
Enables anyone, anywhere to start a petition, mobilize support, and win change in anything from local concerns to global issues. Includes national press coverage, victories, tools and guides. [Numerous languages]
Offers free online petition hosting services, petition creation tools, and how to write a petition.
Provides free petition creation and database tools. Petitions can be hosted for free at iPetitions, or the tools can be easily integrated with an existing site.
A petition creation site with an environmental focus. Petitions submitted are reviewed by staff for relevance and quality before being posted to the site. Precedence is given to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
Includes petitions from nonprofit organizations and individuals, on topics such as environment, entertainment, politics, and human rights.
Last update:
June 8, 2021 at 22:55:08 UTC
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