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Historical information on same-sex love and its effect on human affairs, from ancient times to the recent past.
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Writings on lesbian and gay history and literature by Rictor Norton.
Articles about famous gays of the past, linked to on-line gay history bookstore.
Overview of the LGBT movement from the repeal of the sodomy law, to a transgender singer's award winning performance. Includes links to related articles.
Encourages anyone with data, documents, and citations to provide content. Also contains content provided by named authors.
Includes hundreds of original texts, discussions, and images, and addresses LGBT history in all periods, and in all regions of the world. Created by Paul Halsall.
Description and analysis of ancient grafitti and inscriptions.
The works of Michel Foucault, informing gender theory, history of sexuality, and some of the philosophy surrounding the basics tenets of Gay History.
Encourages anyone with data, documents, and citations to provide content. Also contains content provided by named authors.
Writings on lesbian and gay history and literature by Rictor Norton.
Description and analysis of ancient grafitti and inscriptions.
Overview of the LGBT movement from the repeal of the sodomy law, to a transgender singer's award winning performance. Includes links to related articles.
Includes hundreds of original texts, discussions, and images, and addresses LGBT history in all periods, and in all regions of the world. Created by Paul Halsall.
The works of Michel Foucault, informing gender theory, history of sexuality, and some of the philosophy surrounding the basics tenets of Gay History.
Articles about famous gays of the past, linked to on-line gay history bookstore.

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November 17, 2023 at 17:17:24 UTC
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