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This category lists government institutions which regulate insurance companies. However, this category does not list central banks or finance ministries, which are listed elsewhere. ODP users should be aware that many regulator sites contain significant amounts of consumer information related to insurance. Some of it is jurisdiction-specific, such as consumer complaints. Much of it is general in nature and applicable to most jurisdictions.
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Subcategories 4

Related categories 2

Responsible for prudential regulation of the financial sector and the authorising of insurers.
The Chilean Securities and Insurance Supervisor is an autonomous corporate body affiliated with the Chilean government through the Ministry of Finance. [Spanish, English]
Presentation of the jurisdiction's regulatory environment and contact information. Claims to "deter the unscrupulous without hindering forward thinking dynamic companies".
Protects the interests of investors, depositors and the insured, and promotes the development and stability of financial and capital markets. [Latvian, English]
Autonomous statutory body, established by the Parliament of South Africa to provide supervision over medical schemes. Site describes organization, legislation, and offers consumer assistance.
Responsible for prudential regulation of the financial sector and the authorising of insurers.
Presentation of the jurisdiction's regulatory environment and contact information. Claims to "deter the unscrupulous without hindering forward thinking dynamic companies".
The Chilean Securities and Insurance Supervisor is an autonomous corporate body affiliated with the Chilean government through the Ministry of Finance. [Spanish, English]
Autonomous statutory body, established by the Parliament of South Africa to provide supervision over medical schemes. Site describes organization, legislation, and offers consumer assistance.
Protects the interests of investors, depositors and the insured, and promotes the development and stability of financial and capital markets. [Latvian, English]

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Last update:
December 3, 2022 at 22:16:59 UTC
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