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William Jefferson Clinton (1946- ), better known as Bill Clinton, was the 42nd President of the United States, serving two terms, 1993-2001. He previously served as governor of Arkansas (1979-1981, 1983-1992)
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Fact file, biography, and review of his Presidency, based on the PBS series.
Multimedia retrospective includes photos, video clips, and links to related BBC reports.
Biographical timeline and photo essays.
Links to sites with a pro-Clinton point of view.
PBS's Frontline and the ABC News program Nightline look at the Clinton Administration through interviews with key figures. Has photo gallery and chronology.
Articles, a chronology of the Clinton administration and comments from voters on his presidency.
Text of 364 executive orders issued during the Clinton administration.
Collected news highlights of Clinton's presidency includes a 2004 interview with Clinton with audio excerpts from the interview and from his autobiography.
List of Clinton's TV and film appearances, with short biography and trivia.
Magazine article profiles Clinton's post-presidential ambitions.
Compares a variety of economic data for the Reagan and Clinton administrations in the form of year-by-year tables and charts.
A series of articles on aspects of the Clinton Presidency, including domestic politics, the U.S. economy, the deterioration of his relationship with FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, the environment, and foreign relations.
Online encyclopedia article.
Compares a variety of economic data for the Reagan and Clinton administrations in the form of year-by-year tables and charts.
Fact file, biography, and review of his Presidency, based on the PBS series.
Collected news highlights of Clinton's presidency includes a 2004 interview with Clinton with audio excerpts from the interview and from his autobiography.
Text of 364 executive orders issued during the Clinton administration.
PBS's Frontline and the ABC News program Nightline look at the Clinton Administration through interviews with key figures. Has photo gallery and chronology.
Magazine article profiles Clinton's post-presidential ambitions.
List of Clinton's TV and film appearances, with short biography and trivia.
Articles, a chronology of the Clinton administration and comments from voters on his presidency.
Online encyclopedia article.
Links to sites with a pro-Clinton point of view.
A series of articles on aspects of the Clinton Presidency, including domestic politics, the U.S. economy, the deterioration of his relationship with FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, the environment, and foreign relations.
Multimedia retrospective includes photos, video clips, and links to related BBC reports.
Biographical timeline and photo essays.
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October 15, 2023 at 6:45:03 UTC
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