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Information about the wars between India and Pakistan, the principal ones of which took place in 1947, 1965, and 1971. The category will also include information on other minor conflicts.
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Includes a photo gallery of India and Pakistan wars.
A report from world socialist website about India and Pakistan moving towards another war following a terrorist attack in Kashmir on May 14, 2002.
A peace initiative home page with updated news and articles.
Read about the war which was also fought over Kashmir and started without a formal declaration of war.
An article which calculates the cost of war and the futility behind spending such big amounts towards war expenses by Shrikant Rao.
A site dedicated towards promoting peace between the two countries through the internet.
Account of the lead-up and course of the war from the Library of Congress.
A report from world socialist website about India and Pakistan moving towards another war following a terrorist attack in Kashmir on May 14, 2002.
Includes a photo gallery of India and Pakistan wars.
Account of the lead-up and course of the war from the Library of Congress.
A peace initiative home page with updated news and articles.
A site dedicated towards promoting peace between the two countries through the internet.
An article which calculates the cost of war and the futility behind spending such big amounts towards war expenses by Shrikant Rao.
Read about the war which was also fought over Kashmir and started without a formal declaration of war.
Last update:
October 12, 2023 at 5:25:17 UTC
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