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This category is for animal rights organizations located in Australia.

Websites submitted here must be animal rights organization related and in English. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the appropriate World subcategory.
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Animal rights charity founded in 1976 and based on the philosophies of Professor Peter Singer. Supports efforts to change laws concerning animals, outlaw factory farming and th abolishing of many other animal rights violations.
Promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle and respect for all animals.
Campaigning for the right of all animals to lives free from suffering and abuse by means of non-violent direct action, education, lobbying and cooperative networking with animal rights organisations everywhere.
An Australian animal rights organisation dedicated to ending all human activity that harms nonhuman animals. Includes campaign information, news, fact sheets and events.
Located in Fremantle, campaigns for the end of live animal transportation.
Located in Fremantle, campaigns for the end of live animal transportation.
An Australian animal rights organisation dedicated to ending all human activity that harms nonhuman animals. Includes campaign information, news, fact sheets and events.
Promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle and respect for all animals.
Campaigning for the right of all animals to lives free from suffering and abuse by means of non-violent direct action, education, lobbying and cooperative networking with animal rights organisations everywhere.
Animal rights charity founded in 1976 and based on the philosophies of Professor Peter Singer. Supports efforts to change laws concerning animals, outlaw factory farming and th abolishing of many other animal rights violations.
Last update:
October 29, 2015 at 6:45:04 UTC
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