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This category is for sites concerning the issues of organic food.

Organic Food is the category of Food/Drink which is grown, processed, and/or managed by "organic standards."

"Organic" means no exposure to many harmful herbicides and pesticides, and is also a way of farming (agriculture).

That involves the "health" of the soil and ecosystem in which crops and livestock are raised. Organic practices recognize that a healthy, vibrant, and live soil and ecosystem significantly benefits crops. Natural, undisturbed soil is alive with microbiotic organisms which exist in harmony between the native plant life and the inorganic minerals that provide the soil's substrate. When herbicides, pesticides, and fast acting inorganic fertilizers are used, the microbiotic activity is destroyed, and soil becomes merely an anchor for plant material, which requires constant input to continue.

From (MOFGA) Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners page

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Related categories 5

Accredits and certifies organic produce and supports and encourages sustainable farming systems. Includes office hours and contacts, forms, and links to events, resources and publications.
Introduction to a range of issues currently affecting food and farming such as genetic modification, organic food, food miles and pesticides.
Provides information regarding organic food purchases, with farm and product background. Lists general and company specific news regarding organic growing.
Ezine featuring articles and interviews about organic food and gardening, with recipes and descriptions of health benefits.
For the labeling of genetically engineered, biotech, GMO, and Novel food. Also encourages organic food and pesticide reduction. Advocates concern about the dangers of food irradiation. A clearinghouse for activists.
Magazine and weblog offer recipes, news, book reviews and features.
Organics and sustainable living magazine.
News, articles, recipes, product reviews and other resources on organic foods.
Accredits and certifies organic produce and supports and encourages sustainable farming systems. Includes office hours and contacts, forms, and links to events, resources and publications.
Introduction to a range of issues currently affecting food and farming such as genetic modification, organic food, food miles and pesticides.
For the labeling of genetically engineered, biotech, GMO, and Novel food. Also encourages organic food and pesticide reduction. Advocates concern about the dangers of food irradiation. A clearinghouse for activists.
Organics and sustainable living magazine.
Magazine and weblog offer recipes, news, book reviews and features.
Provides information regarding organic food purchases, with farm and product background. Lists general and company specific news regarding organic growing.
News, articles, recipes, product reviews and other resources on organic foods.
Ezine featuring articles and interviews about organic food and gardening, with recipes and descriptions of health benefits.
Last update:
March 9, 2023 at 18:01:02 UTC
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