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Society Issues Environment Noise Pollution
This category contains websites related to all forms of noise considered pollution. Noise pollution issues for a particular area, or for a group in one location, should be listed in the Regional categories of the directory.
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An information resource with online database. Campaigns on specific noise issues and distributes "Quiet Zone" newsletter. Offers CD demonstrating worst noise offenders. Often quoted by major media.
A Facebook site dedicated to stopping loud motorcycle abuse in our communities and on our roadways.
European Commission policy and directive on noise reduction. Includes links to full text of key papers.
New York City non-profit organization offering assistance to anti-noise groups in the United States and abroad.
An international movement grown from one man's therapeutic exercise to alleviate the pain and suffering caused by too many honking vehicles outside his apartment window in Brooklyn, New York.
Sponsoring international congresses every 5 years since 1968, this organization's members are recognized as the leading authorities on the subject of noise and health.
National Alliance Against Loud Car Stereo Assault. Anti-boomcar information.
An inter-disciplinary international journal devoted to research on all aspects of noise and its effects on human health.
Information on effects of noise on people, noise regulations and standards, and control of noise production by vehicles and machinery.
A not-for-profit organization promoting hearing conservation and noise awareness through education, advocacy and outreach.
NFA's monthly "Dirty Dozen" awards spotlight worst noise polluters.
How UK councils deal with complaints about noise at night, intruder alarms, construction noise, and loudspeakers in the street.
Noise Control Engineering information and activities worldwide. Includes quarterly magazine, member societies, technical reports, and announcements of meetings and conferences.
Mainly a business directory, but also a source of good information.
Coalition of world citizens combating the urban blight of unwanted human-created sound that is annoying, distracting, painful, or physically harmful.
Education campaign of the US National Institutes of Health to increase awareness among parents about causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss; encourages children to adopt healthy hearing habits.
Campaigns in Britain and internationally against piped music in public places.
Reviews of places without piped music. Includes restaurants, pubs, hotels, and places to relax, shop, and meet. Reviews submitted by members of the UK-based Pipedown campaign.
Quiet use of wilderness areas is presented as a normal use and argues against enabling gas engine, motorized machines in the quiet, national forests in U.S.
Vancouver (British Columbia) nonprofit society for soundscape awareness and protection, working to raise awareness of the value, benefits, and difficulties in obtaining quiet.
Providing training in sound level measurement for enforcement of municipal noise codes, the center has been providing assistance for over 35 years.
Argentina group promoting public noise awareness and advising citizens and city officials on noise problems.
Franklin Institute Report.
Full text of UK act regarding noise emitted from dwellings at night.
International association concerned with the state of the world's soundscapes. Includes membership details, resource links, and instructions for signing up for their discussion list.
An information resource with online database. Campaigns on specific noise issues and distributes "Quiet Zone" newsletter. Offers CD demonstrating worst noise offenders. Often quoted by major media.
A Facebook site dedicated to stopping loud motorcycle abuse in our communities and on our roadways.
International association concerned with the state of the world's soundscapes. Includes membership details, resource links, and instructions for signing up for their discussion list.
Campaigns in Britain and internationally against piped music in public places.
Providing training in sound level measurement for enforcement of municipal noise codes, the center has been providing assistance for over 35 years.
National Alliance Against Loud Car Stereo Assault. Anti-boomcar information.
New York City non-profit organization offering assistance to anti-noise groups in the United States and abroad.
European Commission policy and directive on noise reduction. Includes links to full text of key papers.
How UK councils deal with complaints about noise at night, intruder alarms, construction noise, and loudspeakers in the street.
Quiet use of wilderness areas is presented as a normal use and argues against enabling gas engine, motorized machines in the quiet, national forests in U.S.
Education campaign of the US National Institutes of Health to increase awareness among parents about causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss; encourages children to adopt healthy hearing habits.
A not-for-profit organization promoting hearing conservation and noise awareness through education, advocacy and outreach.
Information on effects of noise on people, noise regulations and standards, and control of noise production by vehicles and machinery.
Argentina group promoting public noise awareness and advising citizens and city officials on noise problems.
An inter-disciplinary international journal devoted to research on all aspects of noise and its effects on human health.
Reviews of places without piped music. Includes restaurants, pubs, hotels, and places to relax, shop, and meet. Reviews submitted by members of the UK-based Pipedown campaign.
Noise Control Engineering information and activities worldwide. Includes quarterly magazine, member societies, technical reports, and announcements of meetings and conferences.
An international movement grown from one man's therapeutic exercise to alleviate the pain and suffering caused by too many honking vehicles outside his apartment window in Brooklyn, New York.
Vancouver (British Columbia) nonprofit society for soundscape awareness and protection, working to raise awareness of the value, benefits, and difficulties in obtaining quiet.
Full text of UK act regarding noise emitted from dwellings at night.
Coalition of world citizens combating the urban blight of unwanted human-created sound that is annoying, distracting, painful, or physically harmful.
Franklin Institute Report.
Sponsoring international congresses every 5 years since 1968, this organization's members are recognized as the leading authorities on the subject of noise and health.
Mainly a business directory, but also a source of good information.
NFA's monthly "Dirty Dozen" awards spotlight worst noise polluters.

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October 11, 2023 at 5:25:19 UTC
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