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The term "brain drain" refers to the depletion or loss of professional, entrepreneurial, intellectual or technical personnel by one country or region of the world to the benefit of another (it can also occur within a country from rural to urban areas, from poorer areas to richer areas etc). This phenomenon has been said to be most acute in the flow of talent from developing and underdeveloped nations to the first world but it's also been used, more controversially, to allege that there is a flow of talent (managerial and entrepreneurial as well as intellectual and technical) within the first world from Canada and western Europe to the United States where pay is higher and taxes are lower.
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Historically, wars between nations, and later between people, have always been about land and its approriation. Now that the land is generally distributed, a new type of war has appeared, the war about technology and its control writes Shimon Perez.
Keynote speech by Philip Emeagwali at the 2003 Pan African Conference. He promotes persuading multi-national companies of the profitability of moving their call centers to nations in Africa.
June 1999 report by William J. Carrington and Enrica Detragiache for the International Monetary Fund explores the brain drain and the countries affected by it.
European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin presented two new publications on Europe's position in research and innovation. The "Key figures 2003-2004 for science, technology and innovation", and the "Brain drain study - Emigration flows for qualified scientists" display a bleak picture. (November 25, 2003)
When academics boast a 100 per cent employment rate for graduates, you'd think they and their peers would find much to celebrate. Not so for medical radiation science professionals report the Sydney Morning Herald (February 19, 2003)
A bill that would give visas to high-tech foreign students will exploit the greatest minds of the third world for the sake of American industry. (January 10, 2000)
June 1999 report by William J. Carrington and Enrica Detragiache for the International Monetary Fund explores the brain drain and the countries affected by it.
Keynote speech by Philip Emeagwali at the 2003 Pan African Conference. He promotes persuading multi-national companies of the profitability of moving their call centers to nations in Africa.
Historically, wars between nations, and later between people, have always been about land and its approriation. Now that the land is generally distributed, a new type of war has appeared, the war about technology and its control writes Shimon Perez.
European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin presented two new publications on Europe's position in research and innovation. The "Key figures 2003-2004 for science, technology and innovation", and the "Brain drain study - Emigration flows for qualified scientists" display a bleak picture. (November 25, 2003)
When academics boast a 100 per cent employment rate for graduates, you'd think they and their peers would find much to celebrate. Not so for medical radiation science professionals report the Sydney Morning Herald (February 19, 2003)
A bill that would give visas to high-tech foreign students will exploit the greatest minds of the third world for the sake of American industry. (January 10, 2000)
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February 20, 2020 at 6:25:03 UTC
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