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Provides training in facilitation, mediation, and conflict resolution. Deals specifically with deep-rooted conflict experiences within communities in Canada and abroad. Course schedule, staff, FAQ, and registration form.
Offers education in conflict management and peacemaking leading to the MA degree or graduate certificate. Also offers intervention and consulting services. Purpose and mission, course schedules, syllabi, and events.
Offers a Combined Honours B.A. in Peace Studies as well as a minor in Peace Studies. Programs and courses, faculty, lectures, and events. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Multi-faith non-governmental forum composed of peace committees in the DRC with a common spirit of sharing in peace and conflict resolution matters. History and vision, values, and strategies.
Upcoming events in peace studies, conflict resolution, and related fields.
Multidisciplinary educational endeavour of the Five College Consortium of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. News and events, publications, and information for students and faculty.
Mission is to prevent war and alleviate the conditions that cause war. Promotes education and research for practical solutions. History of Fund, position statements, news, resources, and details on research and advocacy programs.
Dedicated to fostering peace and advancing cooperation in the Middle East and among the peoples of the world through research, conferences, seminars, fellowships, and the maintenance of close relations with similar institutes abroad. Part of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Research projects, events and publications, and library and documentation center.
New Delhi-based think tank aims to inform, analyze, and nurture debates on crucial strategic choices affecting South Asia. News, articles, site search, archives, and a debating page.
Based at Teachers College, Columbia University, offers courses and information about conflict resolution and mediation. Goal is to enhance individuals' interpersonal and problem-solving skills and develop reflective scholars/practitioners.
Conducts educational, research, and outreach programs on international peace and sponsors major conferences, lectures, visiting fellows programs, and research projects. Program history and description, admission FAQ, course list, publications, and career resources.
Promotes the study of peace, cross-cultural understanding, and nonviolent responses to conflict with an emphasis on these themes for children. Resources, bibliographies, events, and contact information.
A department of the College of Social Sciences located on the University of Hawaii-Manoa campus in Honolulu. Designed to explore, develop and share knowledge of peace through teaching, research, publication, and public service. studies. Publications, activities, courses, and contact information.
The magazine based at the UN University for Peace. Covers news and features dealing with all aspects of peace and violent conflict issues worldwide.
Program uses cooperative games and community service activities to empower elementary school students to be peacemakers. History of organization, program model, FAQ, and call for volunteers.
Uses public opinion polls and surveys for conflict analysis, prevention and resolution, negotiations and peace making. Research papers, questionnaires and reports from Northern Ireland, the Balkans and Middle East.
Based in Oslo, Norway. Conducts research and education in Conditions of War and Peace; Foreign and Security Policies; Ethics, Norms and Identities; and Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. News, events, staff, and program information.
Non-profit educational organization founded to support the academic community's role in the pursuit of world peace. Organizes conferences and publishes books and the International Journal on World Peace. News and announcements. Membership, subscription, and book order forms.
Institute conducting research on questions of conflict and cooperation with the aim of contributing to an understanding of the conditions for peaceful solutions of international conflicts and for a stable peace.
Mission is peace. Tools are new ideas, listening, research, mitigation, education, and advocacy. Its Peace Training Network offers lectures and training in areas from advanced theories to practical skills. Forums, articles, news, and links.
Currently engages in teaching and research. Features mission statement, faculty, information for prospective students and a description of the research activities.
Dedicated to encouraging and legitimizing teaching and research on the roots of violence, national and global security issues. Includes list of events and publications.
Based in Oslo, Norway. Conducts research and education in Conditions of War and Peace; Foreign and Security Policies; Ethics, Norms and Identities; and Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. News, events, staff, and program information.
Based at Teachers College, Columbia University, offers courses and information about conflict resolution and mediation. Goal is to enhance individuals' interpersonal and problem-solving skills and develop reflective scholars/practitioners.
Multidisciplinary educational endeavour of the Five College Consortium of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. News and events, publications, and information for students and faculty.
Program uses cooperative games and community service activities to empower elementary school students to be peacemakers. History of organization, program model, FAQ, and call for volunteers.
Conducts educational, research, and outreach programs on international peace and sponsors major conferences, lectures, visiting fellows programs, and research projects. Program history and description, admission FAQ, course list, publications, and career resources.
Dedicated to fostering peace and advancing cooperation in the Middle East and among the peoples of the world through research, conferences, seminars, fellowships, and the maintenance of close relations with similar institutes abroad. Part of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Research projects, events and publications, and library and documentation center.
Dedicated to encouraging and legitimizing teaching and research on the roots of violence, national and global security issues. Includes list of events and publications.
Offers education in conflict management and peacemaking leading to the MA degree or graduate certificate. Also offers intervention and consulting services. Purpose and mission, course schedules, syllabi, and events.
Currently engages in teaching and research. Features mission statement, faculty, information for prospective students and a description of the research activities.
Institute conducting research on questions of conflict and cooperation with the aim of contributing to an understanding of the conditions for peaceful solutions of international conflicts and for a stable peace.
Upcoming events in peace studies, conflict resolution, and related fields.
The magazine based at the UN University for Peace. Covers news and features dealing with all aspects of peace and violent conflict issues worldwide.
Promotes the study of peace, cross-cultural understanding, and nonviolent responses to conflict with an emphasis on these themes for children. Resources, bibliographies, events, and contact information.
Uses public opinion polls and surveys for conflict analysis, prevention and resolution, negotiations and peace making. Research papers, questionnaires and reports from Northern Ireland, the Balkans and Middle East.
A department of the College of Social Sciences located on the University of Hawaii-Manoa campus in Honolulu. Designed to explore, develop and share knowledge of peace through teaching, research, publication, and public service. studies. Publications, activities, courses, and contact information.
Multi-faith non-governmental forum composed of peace committees in the DRC with a common spirit of sharing in peace and conflict resolution matters. History and vision, values, and strategies.
Offers a Combined Honours B.A. in Peace Studies as well as a minor in Peace Studies. Programs and courses, faculty, lectures, and events. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Non-profit educational organization founded to support the academic community's role in the pursuit of world peace. Organizes conferences and publishes books and the International Journal on World Peace. News and announcements. Membership, subscription, and book order forms.
Mission is to prevent war and alleviate the conditions that cause war. Promotes education and research for practical solutions. History of Fund, position statements, news, resources, and details on research and advocacy programs.
Provides training in facilitation, mediation, and conflict resolution. Deals specifically with deep-rooted conflict experiences within communities in Canada and abroad. Course schedule, staff, FAQ, and registration form.
New Delhi-based think tank aims to inform, analyze, and nurture debates on crucial strategic choices affecting South Asia. News, articles, site search, archives, and a debating page.
Mission is peace. Tools are new ideas, listening, research, mitigation, education, and advocacy. Its Peace Training Network offers lectures and training in areas from advanced theories to practical skills. Forums, articles, news, and links.

Last update:
September 4, 2019 at 5:25:02 UTC

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