This category is for sites on the use of depleted uranium in military technology, an effective yet highly toxic ordnance used by the United States.
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The premier public email list on depleted uranium issues, managed by Stop NATO. Nearly all prominent anti-DU campaigners participate or monitor this list.
Short description and resources from the Federation of American Scientists.
1999 lecture by Malcolm Hooper, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association UK. (PDF)
Photos, specifications and performance facts on known penetrator munitions and military technologies that use depleted uranium.
By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, focusing on health effects, inhalation exposure and medical testing.
An European organization of over 80 grassroots groups seeking a ban on DU weapons.
Documentation and research center on nuclear energy in Holland has published many reports on DU.
Researching the health effects of low level ionising radiation pollution. Home of journal, Radioactive Times.
Briefings, presentations and locational data from NATO on the use of depleted uranium ammunition in Bosnia and Kosovo.
The Guardian: Researchers have shown DU damages DNA in human lung cells.
Contains photos, articles, campaigns, and interviews on depleted uranium, its impact, and cover-ups of its toxicity.
Overview of medical research project that tests urine and tissue samples from people exposed to DU.
Health and environmental impacts of depleted uranium. News, maps and resources on depleted uranium.
Trojan Horse of a Nuclear War - An International Educational/Organizing Conference
A Christian Science Monitor reporter finds heavy levels of radiation from DU munitions.
(May 15, 2003)
New Scientist story finds fear among scientists of widespread DU harm
(April 15, 2003)
Special "In Depth" report section from the BBC Web site collating links to BBC stories and background information on depleted uranium.
(January 01, 2001)
The premier public email list on depleted uranium issues, managed by Stop NATO. Nearly all prominent anti-DU campaigners participate or monitor this list.
An European organization of over 80 grassroots groups seeking a ban on DU weapons.
Researching the health effects of low level ionising radiation pollution. Home of journal, Radioactive Times.
Short description and resources from the Federation of American Scientists.
The Guardian: Researchers have shown DU damages DNA in human lung cells.
Contains photos, articles, campaigns, and interviews on depleted uranium, its impact, and cover-ups of its toxicity.
Trojan Horse of a Nuclear War - An International Educational/Organizing Conference
1999 lecture by Malcolm Hooper, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association UK. (PDF)
Health and environmental impacts of depleted uranium. News, maps and resources on depleted uranium.
By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, focusing on health effects, inhalation exposure and medical testing.
Documentation and research center on nuclear energy in Holland has published many reports on DU.
Photos, specifications and performance facts on known penetrator munitions and military technologies that use depleted uranium.
Briefings, presentations and locational data from NATO on the use of depleted uranium ammunition in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Overview of medical research project that tests urine and tissue samples from people exposed to DU.
A Christian Science Monitor reporter finds heavy levels of radiation from DU munitions.
(May 15, 2003)
New Scientist story finds fear among scientists of widespread DU harm
(April 15, 2003)
Special "In Depth" report section from the BBC Web site collating links to BBC stories and background information on depleted uranium.
(January 01, 2001)
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February 2, 2024 at 16:11:28 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Food and Related Products
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- Recently edited by merlin1