The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity was founded in January of 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.
This category offers links to sites for and about the fraternity and its chapters.
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Sites 6
Official site for this fraternity with a strong and distinctive literary tradition. Includes intranet, apparel store, forum, chapter locations, and history of the organization.
In Ithaca, NY. Calendar, foundation information and online giving, photograph gallery and Victory Club information, and local history.
In Champaign, IL. News, calendar of events, and chapter history.
In Amherst, MA. Address book and calendar of events.
In Toronto, Ontario, Canada. News about the current chapter, philanthropy, housing, joining, chapter and fraternity history, event calendar, and contact information.
Midwest Association of Alpha Delta Phi events
Official site for this fraternity with a strong and distinctive literary tradition. Includes intranet, apparel store, forum, chapter locations, and history of the organization.
In Champaign, IL. News, calendar of events, and chapter history.
Midwest Association of Alpha Delta Phi events
In Amherst, MA. Address book and calendar of events.
In Ithaca, NY. Calendar, foundation information and online giving, photograph gallery and Victory Club information, and local history.
In Toronto, Ontario, Canada. News about the current chapter, philanthropy, housing, joining, chapter and fraternity history, event calendar, and contact information.

Last update:
October 3, 2020 at 15:51:05 UTC

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- Recently edited by merlin1