This category is for sites dealing with social and political issues and controversy about or for men and violence. Included is the often overlooked problem of violence against men in domestic situations.
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An editorial about domestic violence against men.
Domestic violence befalls mostly women, but men are victims, too.
Offers advice and support for men in abusive relationships, both those experiencing violence and abuse from partners, and concerned about their own violence towards partners. Information about services, research work, and their helpline. [Devon, UK]
MSV is an organization dedicated to ending violence against women. Their focus is to stop battering, and to work toward ending rape and incest.
Describes abused men as hidden victims who have few resources. Provides annotated links and Yahoo club from a Biblical point of view.
Information and help for men in particular.
(March 01, 2017)
Book review by Robert Sheaffer.
(January 01, 1996)
An editorial about domestic violence against men.
Domestic violence befalls mostly women, but men are victims, too.
MSV is an organization dedicated to ending violence against women. Their focus is to stop battering, and to work toward ending rape and incest.
Offers advice and support for men in abusive relationships, both those experiencing violence and abuse from partners, and concerned about their own violence towards partners. Information about services, research work, and their helpline. [Devon, UK]
Describes abused men as hidden victims who have few resources. Provides annotated links and Yahoo club from a Biblical point of view.
Information and help for men in particular.
(March 01, 2017)
Book review by Robert Sheaffer.
(January 01, 1996)

Last update:
December 26, 2020 at 5:15:13 UTC

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Regional: North America: United States: North Dakota: Health: Physicians and Clinics
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel