Related categories 1
Sites 8
News, legal information and events for people and professionals in contested accusations of abuse.
Biography and University of Washington faculty page for Loftus, including information on her books about the legal aspect of FMS, and articles on recovered memories.
News and informational site for FMSF, an organization that seeks to discover the reasons for the spread of FMS, to work for ways to prevent it, to aid those who were affected by it, and to bring their families into reconciliation.
Support and networking for those hurt by recovered (or repressed) memory therapy. Includes news, articles, meeting calendar, and contacts information.
Private practice of clinical psychology, offering Issues in Child Abuse Accusations and other online publications.
Articles and resources providing research and information about repression and/or recovery of traumatic memories.
Shining the Light on the recovered memory deception of the psychotherapy cult. A pastor's view that therapy today has become a deceptive cult.
Personal accounts of retractors, legislative information, satire, the debunking of experts, and essays on recovered memories.
Private practice of clinical psychology, offering Issues in Child Abuse Accusations and other online publications.
News and informational site for FMSF, an organization that seeks to discover the reasons for the spread of FMS, to work for ways to prevent it, to aid those who were affected by it, and to bring their families into reconciliation.
Biography and University of Washington faculty page for Loftus, including information on her books about the legal aspect of FMS, and articles on recovered memories.
Personal accounts of retractors, legislative information, satire, the debunking of experts, and essays on recovered memories.
Articles and resources providing research and information about repression and/or recovery of traumatic memories.
Shining the Light on the recovered memory deception of the psychotherapy cult. A pastor's view that therapy today has become a deceptive cult.
News, legal information and events for people and professionals in contested accusations of abuse.
Support and networking for those hurt by recovered (or repressed) memory therapy. Includes news, articles, meeting calendar, and contacts information.

Last update:
March 24, 2016 at 4:35:06 UTC

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