Tithe means "tenth" and tithing refers to giving to God, the king or the priests a tenth of one's harvest, livestock, money or spoils of war.
Sites in this category will examine what the Bible teaches about Tithes and Tithing.
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Sites 7
Series of articles concludes that a spiritual tithe is required, rather than money.
Online book by Arthur W. Pink.
Tithing, grace, and the law. Affirms generous Christian giving but not the Old Testament law of tithing or modern prosperity teachings.
Reviews Mosaic law, Jesus' teachings in the Gospels, and the practice of the New Testament church.
Survey of Old and New Testament teachings by Kevin Whitehead.
Introductory essay and articles by Dr. Russell Kelly.
Articles and blog discouraging the use of tithing and encouraging embracing sacrificial giving led by the Spirit of God.
Articles and blog discouraging the use of tithing and encouraging embracing sacrificial giving led by the Spirit of God.
Introductory essay and articles by Dr. Russell Kelly.
Online book by Arthur W. Pink.
Survey of Old and New Testament teachings by Kevin Whitehead.
Series of articles concludes that a spiritual tithe is required, rather than money.
Reviews Mosaic law, Jesus' teachings in the Gospels, and the practice of the New Testament church.
Tithing, grace, and the law. Affirms generous Christian giving but not the Old Testament law of tithing or modern prosperity teachings.

Last update:
September 21, 2020 at 0:25:17 UTC

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