General information about the different religious orders of the Roman Catholic church.
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Sites 15
Homepage of the Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertine) Order, founded by St. Norbert in the 13th century.
International homepages of the original Carmelite Order (Calced) based in Rome. Worldwide locations and affiliates listed.
The official web site of the Carthusian Order.
The worldwide website for the Divine Word family of congregations. Based in Steyler, Netherlands
Large archive of information and articles about St Francis, the Franciscan and Capuchin orders and famous Franciscans and Capuchins.
A national non-profit organization providing opportunities throughout U.S. for Third Order Regular Sisters and Brothers to celebrate Franciscan evangelical life and calling to conversion, contemplation, poverty and humility.
Website for the Dominican Maryknolls and its worldwide concerns.
Describes the life of St. Louis Marie, his writings, Spirituality, and the three Congregations.
Official site for this order, more familiarly known as the Trappists.
Official home page for the global Order of Preachers. The "Dominican family" includes friars, nuns, sisters and lay people, represented with 100+ local web sites in many languages. This gateway leads to the main home pages in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Information about monastic vocation and the worldwide Order of sisters and brothers founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. Latin text and translations of the Rule. Geographic database. Advanced search. What's New, biographies, saints, institutions, elections, superiors, nuns, habit, etc.
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II to men and women religious on their consecration in the light of the mystery of the Redemption. Given 25 March, 1984. All in one file. 86K.
The international institutes, orders, and organizations descending from the charitable organizations founded by St. Vincent de Paul.
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II on the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and the world. Given 25 March, 1996. All in one file. 276K. Uses Microsoft-only characters.
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II on the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and in the world. Given 25 March, 1996. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.
Official home page for the global Order of Preachers. The "Dominican family" includes friars, nuns, sisters and lay people, represented with 100+ local web sites in many languages. This gateway leads to the main home pages in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Website for the Dominican Maryknolls and its worldwide concerns.
Information about monastic vocation and the worldwide Order of sisters and brothers founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. Latin text and translations of the Rule. Geographic database. Advanced search. What's New, biographies, saints, institutions, elections, superiors, nuns, habit, etc.
Describes the life of St. Louis Marie, his writings, Spirituality, and the three Congregations.
The official web site of the Carthusian Order.
Large archive of information and articles about St Francis, the Franciscan and Capuchin orders and famous Franciscans and Capuchins.
Official site for this order, more familiarly known as the Trappists.
The worldwide website for the Divine Word family of congregations. Based in Steyler, Netherlands
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II to men and women religious on their consecration in the light of the mystery of the Redemption. Given 25 March, 1984. All in one file. 86K.
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II on the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and the world. Given 25 March, 1996. All in one file. 276K. Uses Microsoft-only characters.
The international institutes, orders, and organizations descending from the charitable organizations founded by St. Vincent de Paul.
International homepages of the original Carmelite Order (Calced) based in Rome. Worldwide locations and affiliates listed.
A national non-profit organization providing opportunities throughout U.S. for Third Order Regular Sisters and Brothers to celebrate Franciscan evangelical life and calling to conversion, contemplation, poverty and humility.
Homepage of the Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertine) Order, founded by St. Norbert in the 13th century.
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II on the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and in the world. Given 25 March, 1996. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.
Other languages 14
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