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Includes activities, publications, and a history of an institute that promotes research on and cultivation of the Benedictine order's heritage.
Describes conferences, journals, and membership benefits of a society that cultivates the Catholic philosophical heritage.
Introduces a collaborative group that seeks to advance sociological theory and research. Includes data on conferences, research grants, and a quarterly review.
Describes objectives, publications, conferences, and activities of a Catholic political philosophy association in Poland. Includes a large collection of articles.
Presents purposes and membership benefits of an association that seeks to assist the Church by promoting cooperation between Catholic scholars in various disciplines. Includes details on the organization's convention, quarterly review, and other publications.
Features articles, news, and an event schedule of an organization that seeks to bring together scholars with theological, ethical, anthropological, and societal concerns.
Presents an association of Catholic scientists founded in 1968. Provides an event schedule, abstracts, and an extensive collection of articles about scientific developments bearing on Christian belief.
Details symposia, lectures and other programs of an organization that seeks to advocate and support intellectual work in relation to the Catholic tradition.
Provides a seminar schedule and publication details of an association that researches and reflects on moral issues arising in health care and the life sciences. Features secure email consultations on ethical issues.
Features articles, news, and an event schedule of an organization that seeks to bring together scholars with theological, ethical, anthropological, and societal concerns.
Includes activities, publications, and a history of an institute that promotes research on and cultivation of the Benedictine order's heritage.
Describes objectives, publications, conferences, and activities of a Catholic political philosophy association in Poland. Includes a large collection of articles.
Presents an association of Catholic scientists founded in 1968. Provides an event schedule, abstracts, and an extensive collection of articles about scientific developments bearing on Christian belief.
Details symposia, lectures and other programs of an organization that seeks to advocate and support intellectual work in relation to the Catholic tradition.
Presents purposes and membership benefits of an association that seeks to assist the Church by promoting cooperation between Catholic scholars in various disciplines. Includes details on the organization's convention, quarterly review, and other publications.
Provides a seminar schedule and publication details of an association that researches and reflects on moral issues arising in health care and the life sciences. Features secure email consultations on ethical issues.
Describes conferences, journals, and membership benefits of a society that cultivates the Catholic philosophical heritage.
Introduces a collaborative group that seeks to advance sociological theory and research. Includes data on conferences, research grants, and a quarterly review.
Last update:
June 13, 2022 at 5:15:07 UTC
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