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Information pertaining to St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th-century Dominican philosopher and theologian, the quintessential Scholastic author.
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Lengthy article on the life, writings, and influence of this philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church. Called the Angelic Doctor. Died in 1274.
Illustrated biographical profile.
All of Aquinas's works available online in Latin. Site also has bibliographies, early sources for the saint's life.
Three accounts of the saint's life: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult. By Catherine Fournier.
Brief discussion of the life and works of Aquinas, with links to electronic texts and additional information.
Priest, friar, and theologian. Anglican perspective. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia on the two hymns of this name. The second is by Thomas Aquinas. The first is "generally credited" to Venantius Fortunatus, though some believe it is the work of Claudianus Mamertus.
Short paper on the question of faith and reason, with notes. By Sule Elkatip. In plain text.
Pious hagiography, Feeneyite perspective: "As in our day, so then the enemies of our Lord and our Lady were the heretics on the outside and the liberals within."
Biographical and expository essay by Ralph McInerny.
Lengthy bibliography of online Aquinas texts in English.
The most comprehensive web site on Thomas Aquinas. Uses frames.
Illustrated biographical profile.
Short paper on the question of faith and reason, with notes. By Sule Elkatip. In plain text.
Biographical and expository essay by Ralph McInerny.
Brief discussion of the life and works of Aquinas, with links to electronic texts and additional information.
Priest, friar, and theologian. Anglican perspective. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Lengthy bibliography of online Aquinas texts in English.
Pious hagiography, Feeneyite perspective: "As in our day, so then the enemies of our Lord and our Lady were the heretics on the outside and the liberals within."
Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia on the two hymns of this name. The second is by Thomas Aquinas. The first is "generally credited" to Venantius Fortunatus, though some believe it is the work of Claudianus Mamertus.
Lengthy article on the life, writings, and influence of this philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church. Called the Angelic Doctor. Died in 1274.
The most comprehensive web site on Thomas Aquinas. Uses frames.
Three accounts of the saint's life: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult. By Catherine Fournier.
All of Aquinas's works available online in Latin. Site also has bibliographies, early sources for the saint's life.

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