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Here's a place where you'll find social issues publications, Christian activist organizations, and many more resources designed to equip today's Christian to "do what Jesus would do" and stand in the gap for Truth.
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Pro-family action site promotes traditional family values, focusing primarily on the influence of television and other media on our society.
Political action group lobbying for Christian principles and ethics reforms in Government and legislation for Australia. Features news, key issues, events, and articles.
Facebook page from a group that seeks to remove the stigma and bias associated with its use by presenting it's godly view of cannabis instead of a cannabis view on Christianity.
Features advice and insight developed and written from a Christian perspective on the issue of gun ownership.
Press releases about issues that concern Christians. Includes RSS Feeds by topic.
Deals with interaction between the Internet and society in general and Christianity in particular.
Describes several logical fallacies and other erroneous reasoning forms commonly found within different interpretations of scripture.
Issues related to Christianity and persons with disability, hosted by Jeff McNair, Special Education professor at California Baptist University.
Uk-based ecumenical organization encouraging churches to consider environmental issues within a Christian context. Resources, local groups, history, and award program.
Exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington, DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built.
Exploring the F-word in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community.
Daily Family News in Focus reports, the current editions of Citizen magazine, FOF press releases, attorney's resources, and research papers on numerous social issues. U.S. based.
Current events analysis from Christian Reformed perspective.
Articles on biblical environmentalism and misconceptions about nature from a Creationist perspective.
Undoing oppression from a framework of anarchist politics and liberative Christianity. Reader-submitted webzine and podcast.
A Christian public policy organization that seeks to promote Biblically based principles of restorative justice.
Dorothy Seese conservative and Christian views of the political, social and moral trends in the United States.
Biblical interpretation of scriptures views on homosexuality and abortion. Site owner welcomes discussion pro or con.
A site which advocates for business closure on Sundays. Offers news, discussion groups, articles and surveys.
[English, French] What the Bible says about homosexuality, abortion, divorce, and scolding ecumenism at the expense of truth.
Nondenominational Christian organization advocating freedom of religion, and faith in God.
A site which advocates for business closure on Sundays. Offers news, discussion groups, articles and surveys.
Exploring the F-word in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community.
Undoing oppression from a framework of anarchist politics and liberative Christianity. Reader-submitted webzine and podcast.
Daily Family News in Focus reports, the current editions of Citizen magazine, FOF press releases, attorney's resources, and research papers on numerous social issues. U.S. based.
Facebook page from a group that seeks to remove the stigma and bias associated with its use by presenting it's godly view of cannabis instead of a cannabis view on Christianity.
Features advice and insight developed and written from a Christian perspective on the issue of gun ownership.
Uk-based ecumenical organization encouraging churches to consider environmental issues within a Christian context. Resources, local groups, history, and award program.
Pro-family action site promotes traditional family values, focusing primarily on the influence of television and other media on our society.
Political action group lobbying for Christian principles and ethics reforms in Government and legislation for Australia. Features news, key issues, events, and articles.
Issues related to Christianity and persons with disability, hosted by Jeff McNair, Special Education professor at California Baptist University.
Press releases about issues that concern Christians. Includes RSS Feeds by topic.
Dorothy Seese conservative and Christian views of the political, social and moral trends in the United States.
Articles on biblical environmentalism and misconceptions about nature from a Creationist perspective.
Deals with interaction between the Internet and society in general and Christianity in particular.
[English, French] What the Bible says about homosexuality, abortion, divorce, and scolding ecumenism at the expense of truth.
Exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington, DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built.
Describes several logical fallacies and other erroneous reasoning forms commonly found within different interpretations of scripture.
Current events analysis from Christian Reformed perspective.
Nondenominational Christian organization advocating freedom of religion, and faith in God.
A Christian public policy organization that seeks to promote Biblically based principles of restorative justice.
Biblical interpretation of scriptures views on homosexuality and abortion. Site owner welcomes discussion pro or con.

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June 14, 2022 at 5:25:06 UTC
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