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This category seeks to present scientific evidence for catastrophic events in earth's history. This evidence opposes the prevailing theory of naturalism based on the assumption that current natural processes occurred in the same manner and at the same rate throughout the history of this universe. The interpretation of the evidence generally favors a short chronology or a young history of the earth, measured in thousands rather than billions of years. In particular, most of the sites in this category present evidence for a deluge of such proportions as to validate the account of a world-wide flood account in Genesis.
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Dr. Walt Brown presents evidence for creation from published statements by scientists in the life sciences, astronomical and physical sciences and earth sciences. The online version of Brown's thoroughly documented book begins with the "Contents" link about halfway down the navigation bar.
John Baumgardner's work on the global Flood using catastrophic plate tectonics and evidence about the age of the earth.
Arthur V. Chadwick of Loma Linda University discusses transportation and deposition of megabreccias as evidence of significant catastrophic activity in the past not readily explainable in terms of contemporary processes.
A report written by the Institute for Creation Research that explains an example of catastrophism with the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State on May 18, 1980.
Arthur V. Chadwick of Loma Linda University discusses transportation and deposition of megabreccias as evidence of significant catastrophic activity in the past not readily explainable in terms of contemporary processes.
A report written by the Institute for Creation Research that explains an example of catastrophism with the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State on May 18, 1980.
Dr. Walt Brown presents evidence for creation from published statements by scientists in the life sciences, astronomical and physical sciences and earth sciences. The online version of Brown's thoroughly documented book begins with the "Contents" link about halfway down the navigation bar.
John Baumgardner's work on the global Flood using catastrophic plate tectonics and evidence about the age of the earth.
Last update:
September 1, 2018 at 5:15:06 UTC
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