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The modern teachings of Hermes Trismegistus; reality creating, out of body travel, dreams, and the Kabbalah.
Attributed to Zoroaster, preface by Sapere Aude.
The history of the tablet with commentary from various historical figures.
A brief article on The Emerald Tablet.
The secret work of the hermetic philosophy.
A service activity encompassed within the New Group of World Servers to promote Right Observation in the Light of the most modern expression of the Arcane Wisdom tradition.
Extensive article and link list.
The fifteen tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum, along with the Perfect Sermon or Asclepius, are the foundation documents of the Hermetic tradition.
Contains downloadable texts on Hermetics and Alchemy. Due to construction parts of site inoperable.
Corpus Hermeticism with related links.
Information about Hermetica.
Hermes and Hermeticism throughout the ages.
Revolutionary character development. Complete text of "Inner Medicine" available free online.
A brief overview with links to related resources.
Attributed to Zoroaster, preface by Sapere Aude.
Contains downloadable texts on Hermetics and Alchemy. Due to construction parts of site inoperable.
A brief overview with links to related resources.
A service activity encompassed within the New Group of World Servers to promote Right Observation in the Light of the most modern expression of the Arcane Wisdom tradition.
The history of the tablet with commentary from various historical figures.
Hermes and Hermeticism throughout the ages.
Information about Hermetica.
The modern teachings of Hermes Trismegistus; reality creating, out of body travel, dreams, and the Kabbalah.
Revolutionary character development. Complete text of "Inner Medicine" available free online.
The secret work of the hermetic philosophy.
Extensive article and link list.
The fifteen tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum, along with the Perfect Sermon or Asclepius, are the foundation documents of the Hermetic tradition.
Corpus Hermeticism with related links.
A brief article on The Emerald Tablet.

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