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Hinduism, also know as Sanatana Dharma is one of the oldest religions of the world. It originated without any single leader or personality and evolved with scripture expressing diverse thought. By some account Hinduism has over 2000 Gods and Goddesses and yet incorporates beliefs of those who worship the Divine without form. While this religion originated in India, today there are over a billion people who call themselves Hindus and practice this religion in some form.
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Subcategories 18

Features statistics on countries with the largest proportion and percentages of Hindus with respect to the total population.
An introduction to the philosophy of advaita vedanta, as taught by Sankaracharya and his followers. Includes articles on the different systems of Hindu philosophy,upanishads and history of vedanta.
Lives and sayings of saints. Jataka stories. Offer home study courses in different scriptures.
An institute for the traditional study of Advaita Vedanta and Sanskrit. Contains articles on teachings and teachers. Includes a digital library and a book store.
Articles on different aspects of Hinduism by Dr. Gautam Chatterjee.
Spiritual lectures by Sri Atmatattva Das.
Features an overview, history, beliefs, list of holy days, and customs.
Self realization from the current living spiritual master, Pujya Deepakbhai Desai.
Articles about spirituality, meditation and self-realization. included a schedule of pujas and lectures.
Translations of four Upanishads and Baghavad Gita. Includes links to other sources on Hinduism.
Sayings of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Mantras, Slokas, and information about Temples and Saints.
Hindu Blog updates about the latest developments in Hinduism.
A Hindu Devotional blog with a large collection of Hindu God/Goddess Aartis, Stuties, Chalisas, Slokas, Kavacham. Listings of Hindu temples, Hindu Festivals. Includes pictures of Hindu God/Goddess.
Discussions on Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Religion, and Indian Culture.
Articles on Hindu culture, philosophy, sacred texts, and customs. Includes pictures of deities and holy men; and discussions of such topics as death, initiation, and weddings.
A brief introduction to Hinduism, Ramayana, and Hindu reformers.
Articles about Deities, temples.
Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia, is devoted to educating the public about all aspects of Hinduism ranging from history and philosophy to current events that impact Hindus. It provides a factual and neutral perspective on all topics.
Articles on the history, symbolism, Upanishads, and Hindu way of life. Includes links to resources on temples.
An on line guide for seekers and born Hindus.
Articles on Hinduism, translations of ancient texts, lessons in yoga and meditation, forums, audio lectures, videos on Hinduism, FAQs, scriptures, MP3 Bhajans, picture gallery, and briefs on deities.
The basic tenets of the religion. Includes on line English translations of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.
information about the work of Sri M.P. Pandit, one of the foremost disciples and exponents of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. includes annotations on books, along with lectures, recitations, mantras and articles.
Information and discussions about different aspects of Hinduism. Features links to other religious sites.
Describes the traditional Hindu origins of Indian music and dance including a historical account of its development.
Nama Kirtan and Bhakti carrying the message of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Events, articles, and publications.
Provides Panchang/Panchangams for more than 100+ cities of the world.
About Hindu religious place Mathura the birth place of Lord Krishna.
A number of Hindu scriptures are available here.
Sanskrit scriptures in RealPlayer audio. Sanskrit and English. Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, Bhaja Govindam, Maha Lakshmi Stotram.
Formatted Sanskrit texts and stotras in pdf format, plus learning tools, audio recordings, and books.
Hinduism as Sanatana Dharma, worship of Sadhasiva and the unity of Kali and Krishna.
Essays on Spirituality, Hinduism, Self Realization, Bhagvad Gita, Yoga, Upanishads,and Mysticism by Vijay Kumar.
About the importance of the worship of Shaligram in Hindu religion, its origin and related articles.
Articles on Vedic mantras, pilgrimages, vedas, and upanishads.
Swadhyay began its journey in the early 1940s when Revered Dadaji (Pandurang Shastri Athavale) began to deliver discourses in the Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Pathshala in Mumbai, India..
Articles on the various facets of Hinduism.
Articles on different aspects of Hinduism especially Vedanta.
A small collection of articles on Vedic thought, Baghavad Gita, and Hindu philosophy.
Emphasizes the social relevance of the Vedic Vision through a variety of Programmes geared to touch the hearts of people bringing about the much needed attitudinal change.
Article on the origins, scriptures, and philosophy of Hinduism.
Self realization from the current living spiritual master, Pujya Deepakbhai Desai.
Sanskrit scriptures in RealPlayer audio. Sanskrit and English. Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, Bhaja Govindam, Maha Lakshmi Stotram.
Articles on the various facets of Hinduism.
Nama Kirtan and Bhakti carrying the message of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Events, articles, and publications.
Discussions on Sanatana Dharma, Hindu Religion, and Indian Culture.
Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia, is devoted to educating the public about all aspects of Hinduism ranging from history and philosophy to current events that impact Hindus. It provides a factual and neutral perspective on all topics.
information about the work of Sri M.P. Pandit, one of the foremost disciples and exponents of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. includes annotations on books, along with lectures, recitations, mantras and articles.
Hindu Blog updates about the latest developments in Hinduism.
Swadhyay began its journey in the early 1940s when Revered Dadaji (Pandurang Shastri Athavale) began to deliver discourses in the Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Pathshala in Mumbai, India..
A Hindu Devotional blog with a large collection of Hindu God/Goddess Aartis, Stuties, Chalisas, Slokas, Kavacham. Listings of Hindu temples, Hindu Festivals. Includes pictures of Hindu God/Goddess.
Articles about Deities, temples.
Articles on Vedic mantras, pilgrimages, vedas, and upanishads.
About Hindu religious place Mathura the birth place of Lord Krishna.
Spiritual lectures by Sri Atmatattva Das.
Emphasizes the social relevance of the Vedic Vision through a variety of Programmes geared to touch the hearts of people bringing about the much needed attitudinal change.
An institute for the traditional study of Advaita Vedanta and Sanskrit. Contains articles on teachings and teachers. Includes a digital library and a book store.
Sayings of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Mantras, Slokas, and information about Temples and Saints.
A number of Hindu scriptures are available here.
The basic tenets of the religion. Includes on line English translations of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.
Articles on Hinduism, translations of ancient texts, lessons in yoga and meditation, forums, audio lectures, videos on Hinduism, FAQs, scriptures, MP3 Bhajans, picture gallery, and briefs on deities.
Hinduism as Sanatana Dharma, worship of Sadhasiva and the unity of Kali and Krishna.
Information and discussions about different aspects of Hinduism. Features links to other religious sites.
Articles on different aspects of Hinduism especially Vedanta.
Provides Panchang/Panchangams for more than 100+ cities of the world.
Articles on the history, symbolism, Upanishads, and Hindu way of life. Includes links to resources on temples.
Essays on Spirituality, Hinduism, Self Realization, Bhagvad Gita, Yoga, Upanishads,and Mysticism by Vijay Kumar.
Lives and sayings of saints. Jataka stories. Offer home study courses in different scriptures.
Formatted Sanskrit texts and stotras in pdf format, plus learning tools, audio recordings, and books.
About the importance of the worship of Shaligram in Hindu religion, its origin and related articles.
A small collection of articles on Vedic thought, Baghavad Gita, and Hindu philosophy.
Features an overview, history, beliefs, list of holy days, and customs.
An on line guide for seekers and born Hindus.
An introduction to the philosophy of advaita vedanta, as taught by Sankaracharya and his followers. Includes articles on the different systems of Hindu philosophy,upanishads and history of vedanta.
A brief introduction to Hinduism, Ramayana, and Hindu reformers.
Articles on different aspects of Hinduism by Dr. Gautam Chatterjee.
Features statistics on countries with the largest proportion and percentages of Hindus with respect to the total population.
Articles about spirituality, meditation and self-realization. included a schedule of pujas and lectures.
Translations of four Upanishads and Baghavad Gita. Includes links to other sources on Hinduism.
Describes the traditional Hindu origins of Indian music and dance including a historical account of its development.
Article on the origins, scriptures, and philosophy of Hinduism.
Articles on Hindu culture, philosophy, sacred texts, and customs. Includes pictures of deities and holy men; and discussions of such topics as death, initiation, and weddings.

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January 6, 2024 at 19:56:49 UTC
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