Sri Vidya or Auspicious Wisdom is one of the important traditions of Tantra.
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An organization based in New York publishing a bi-monthly magazine on Sri Vidya. Archives include articles on Sri Vidya, sri yantra, mantras, and Sanskrit hymns.
The doctrine, history and symbols of Sri Vidya.
Web site of a group of Srividya Upasakas. Contains articles related to Srividya, Advaita and Kundalini Yoga.
A Bibliography of books on Sri Vidya.
A research article on the purpose and drawing of the Sri Yantra.
The doctrine, history and symbols of Sri Vidya.
Web site of a group of Srividya Upasakas. Contains articles related to Srividya, Advaita and Kundalini Yoga.
An organization based in New York publishing a bi-monthly magazine on Sri Vidya. Archives include articles on Sri Vidya, sri yantra, mantras, and Sanskrit hymns.
A research article on the purpose and drawing of the Sri Yantra.
A Bibliography of books on Sri Vidya.

Last update:
June 3, 2019 at 21:16:45 UTC

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Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: North America: Canada: Ontario: Colleges: Humber College
- Recently edited by mcoupal
- Recently edited by mcoupal