This category contains sites that are specifically about the history of the Islamic community.
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Sites 8
An interactive database for the study of Islamic Culture, particularly in the early centuries. Includes maps, articles, biographies and a timeline.
A categorized listing of links to aspects of the history of Islam; also includes translations of source texts, and articles.
An article on the history of Islam, from the early community, to the 20th century resurgence. Taken from the Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, ed. Robert Wuthnow (1998).
A susbstantial and detailed perspective on the history of Islam, by Kelley L Ross, Los Angeles Valley College, California.
Historical review of the Muslim contribution to humanity and Islamic Civilization. Gives biographies of scientists and describes their contributions and influence on European thought and discoveries.
An extended essay on the history of Middle Eastern Islam, from the time of Mohammed to the 20th century.
A companion site to the PBS television series "Islam: Empire of Faith", which presented the history of Islam from the time of Muhammad to the Ottoman sultans. Includes educational resources, interactive timeline, and articles on Islam and Muslim culture.
A brief history of Islam, and of the development of Muslim culture.
A companion site to the PBS television series "Islam: Empire of Faith", which presented the history of Islam from the time of Muhammad to the Ottoman sultans. Includes educational resources, interactive timeline, and articles on Islam and Muslim culture.
Historical review of the Muslim contribution to humanity and Islamic Civilization. Gives biographies of scientists and describes their contributions and influence on European thought and discoveries.
An extended essay on the history of Middle Eastern Islam, from the time of Mohammed to the 20th century.
A categorized listing of links to aspects of the history of Islam; also includes translations of source texts, and articles.
An article on the history of Islam, from the early community, to the 20th century resurgence. Taken from the Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, ed. Robert Wuthnow (1998).
A susbstantial and detailed perspective on the history of Islam, by Kelley L Ross, Los Angeles Valley College, California.
An interactive database for the study of Islamic Culture, particularly in the early centuries. Includes maps, articles, biographies and a timeline.
A brief history of Islam, and of the development of Muslim culture.
Other languages 1

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October 10, 2023 at 5:25:06 UTC

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