Mu'awiyah was proclaimed Caliph in 660; the Caliphate passed down his descendants until they were replaced by the Abbasids in 750. Their capital was Damascus, in Syria.
One alone of the Ummayads escaped Abbasid extermination, and continued the line of the caliphate in Spain.
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An online exhibition by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, explores the formative contribution of the period to the development of Islamic art.
An extract from Oleg Grabar's PhD dissertation; the development of royal ceremonial under the Umayyads went hand in hand with the formation of the theory of the caliphate, as a partiarchal rulership transformed into a royal one
This outline focuses on its impact in Syria, and relations with the Christian community.
Explores the production of coinage in the Umayyad Caliphate; includes a list of mints, photos of coins, and a bibliography.
A photograph of the exterior of the mosque.
This outline focuses on its impact in Syria, and relations with the Christian community.
An extract from Oleg Grabar's PhD dissertation; the development of royal ceremonial under the Umayyads went hand in hand with the formation of the theory of the caliphate, as a partiarchal rulership transformed into a royal one
Explores the production of coinage in the Umayyad Caliphate; includes a list of mints, photos of coins, and a bibliography.
A photograph of the exterior of the mosque.
An online exhibition by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, explores the formative contribution of the period to the development of Islamic art.
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December 19, 2020 at 13:15:11 UTC
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