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Pagan is a label on a group of religions. It covers both the resurrection, recreation or revival of old pre-Christian religions (often defined from the perspective of the Roman empire) but also covers new religions who have adopted the label. Some pagans are polytheistic and believe in a whole pantheon of gods, spirits and so on while others may believe in just two gods (usually a male and female) and some are monotheistic.
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Creating and maintaining a list of Pagan festivals from around the world.
An active, friendly virtual community for members of Pagan religions and their friends, featuring a threaded message board, articles, and book reviews.
Devoted to the worship of the mother goddess in her various forms such as Isis, Kwan Yin, Green Tara, Mother Mary and Lakshi.
Includes stories from the mythology of the ancient pagan Greek and Celtic goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Atalanta, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Psyche, Persephone, Rhiannon.
Explores Paganism from a naturalistic point of view. Offers articles and resources for the naturalistic seeker.
Articles, stories, music and various thoughts on what it is to be Neo-Pagan. Book reviews, editorials, ethics discussions, rituals and spells.
Annual Pagan street fair. Information for venders and attendees. New York City, NY, US.
Annual Pagan street fair. Information for venders and attendees. New York City, NY, US.
Explores Paganism from a naturalistic point of view. Offers articles and resources for the naturalistic seeker.
Creating and maintaining a list of Pagan festivals from around the world.
An active, friendly virtual community for members of Pagan religions and their friends, featuring a threaded message board, articles, and book reviews.
Articles, stories, music and various thoughts on what it is to be Neo-Pagan. Book reviews, editorials, ethics discussions, rituals and spells.
Devoted to the worship of the mother goddess in her various forms such as Isis, Kwan Yin, Green Tara, Mother Mary and Lakshi.
Includes stories from the mythology of the ancient pagan Greek and Celtic goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Atalanta, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Psyche, Persephone, Rhiannon.

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December 31, 2023 at 17:03:19 UTC
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