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Websites and resources listed in this category fall under "Spiritism" because they address, explain or relate to the Spiritist Doctrine, a body of knowledge first put together in 1860, France, by a man referred to as Allan Kardec.
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Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting Spiritism. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Offers an HTML version of Allan Kardec's "Spirits' Book", Spiritism's first work, available over the Internet.
Spiritist Society in Miami, Florida (USA), offering public meetings, schedule of local events, and other community services.
An introduction to the Spiritist doctrine as compiled by Allan Kardec.
A local group with regular activities in Bondi, New South Wales, Australia. Site in English and Portuguese.
Non-profit organization whose sole aim is to promote and disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine in English, as codified by Allan Kardec. Offers many downloadable books.
Non-profit group in Baltimore, USA, presenting basic Spiritist Books, news and a newsletter.
Spiritist group with general information about Spiritism and Spirit communication.
Explains the fundamentals of Spiritism and provides a calendar of events and gives contact details.
The official site of the United States Spiritist Council. Offers a newsletter, directory of member institutions and suggestions on starting a Spiritist center/institution.
An introduction to the Spiritist doctrine as compiled by Allan Kardec.
The official site of the United States Spiritist Council. Offers a newsletter, directory of member institutions and suggestions on starting a Spiritist center/institution.
Explains the fundamentals of Spiritism and provides a calendar of events and gives contact details.
Spiritist group with general information about Spiritism and Spirit communication.
Spiritist Society in Miami, Florida (USA), offering public meetings, schedule of local events, and other community services.
A local group with regular activities in Bondi, New South Wales, Australia. Site in English and Portuguese.
Non-profit organization whose sole aim is to promote and disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine in English, as codified by Allan Kardec. Offers many downloadable books.
Non-profit group in Baltimore, USA, presenting basic Spiritist Books, news and a newsletter.
Offers an HTML version of Allan Kardec's "Spirits' Book", Spiritism's first work, available over the Internet.
Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting Spiritism. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Last update:
September 2, 2018 at 5:24:07 UTC
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