These are sites that offer information, resources, and political and social commentary about sex work and the sex industry, including prostitution, stripping and exotic dancing, professional dominance, porn modeling, phone sex and other forms of sexual or adult entertainment for money. These are **not porn sites!!** Generally they offer the view that sex work is an individual choice, not a sin or something that should be criminalized. They may be sites that tell about one individual's experience or they may be sites for organizations that support sex workers in various ways.
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Sites 11
The Bay Area Sex Worker Advocacy Network is an organization that provides information related to sex workers' rights.
Offers ideas, observations and research related to sex work in the context of health and human rights.
Promoting art, culture and education related to international sex work.
The IUSW supports initiatives that decriminalize all aspects of sex work that involve consenting adults.
Pros, cons, studies, and data from hundreds of experts in the debate about if prostitution should be legalized.
Information about prostitute rights, working conditions and the history of prostitution. Geared for students and activists.
Provides a range of health, safety and legal information for sex workers in Victoria, Australia.
Legal information and support for sex workers and customers. Includes international legalities.
A group promoting the decriminalization of prostitution in the United States.
Former sex workers provide non-judgemental support and services for women and girls that are or have been involved in sex work.
A report in article format by the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.
(August 01, 1999)
Offers ideas, observations and research related to sex work in the context of health and human rights.
A group promoting the decriminalization of prostitution in the United States.
Former sex workers provide non-judgemental support and services for women and girls that are or have been involved in sex work.
Pros, cons, studies, and data from hundreds of experts in the debate about if prostitution should be legalized.
Legal information and support for sex workers and customers. Includes international legalities.
Provides a range of health, safety and legal information for sex workers in Victoria, Australia.
The IUSW supports initiatives that decriminalize all aspects of sex work that involve consenting adults.
Promoting art, culture and education related to international sex work.
The Bay Area Sex Worker Advocacy Network is an organization that provides information related to sex workers' rights.
Information about prostitute rights, working conditions and the history of prostitution. Geared for students and activists.
A report in article format by the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.
(August 01, 1999)
Other languages 5

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January 7, 2021 at 2:25:07 UTC

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