This category contains general information on western Olympic, Classical, and, less frequently, Historical fencing. Each of these versions of fencing involves individual vs. individual competition using some European version of a sword.
More information
- Olympic fencing enthusiasts practice the modern version of the sport, utilizing electronic scoring equipment. The majority of sites in this category are dedicated to Olympic-style fencing.
- Classical enthusiasts do not utilize electronic scoring and practice and compete emphasizing the nobility of the sport.
- Historical fencing typically utilizes multiple weapons at once, and practices the sport prior to the days of directed (refereed) bouts.
More information
Subcategories 13
Related categories 3
Sites 5
Archive of USENET FAQs, providing an overview of the sport.
Includes club listings, training drills (footwork and blade work), and general information about the sport of fencing.
Description of actions and items used in fencing with equivalents in French.
Introduction to how fencing equipment operates, including the use of protective clothing and electronic scoring systems.
Archive of the rec.sports.fencing usenet FAQ.
Introduction to how fencing equipment operates, including the use of protective clothing and electronic scoring systems.
Includes club listings, training drills (footwork and blade work), and general information about the sport of fencing.
Archive of the rec.sports.fencing usenet FAQ.
Description of actions and items used in fencing with equivalents in French.
Archive of USENET FAQs, providing an overview of the sport.
Other languages 20
Last update:
December 7, 2024 at 16:57:21 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon