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This category contains sites about ice hockey tournaments.
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Sponsors youth competitions in Michigan and surrounding states including the Big Bear Tournament, 3 on 3, and Spring Shoot Out. Provides details of each including dates and registration.
Peewee, Bantam, and Midget Major AAA Hockey Tournament involving 76 entries in Sudbury, Ontario.
Adult recreational hockey tournaments and vacations.
International adult and youth ice hockey tournaments.
A summer hockey tournament for elite "AAA" hockey teams.
Hockey Tournament listing service
League operator, initiation through to midget. League, teams, trainers and coaches, sponsor, committee and referee pages. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Located in Oaks, Pennsylvania. Go to the tournament section.
Official site of Outaouais Elites AAA annual tournament
Opportunity for exposure to private schools.
Information about an annual tournament in Brandon Manitoba. Both male and female teams.
Youth hockey tournament.
Hockey Tournament for boys aged 9 to 19 and girls 16 to 20.
League operator, initiation through to midget. League, teams, trainers and coaches, sponsor, committee and referee pages. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Youth hockey tournament.
Sponsors youth competitions in Michigan and surrounding states including the Big Bear Tournament, 3 on 3, and Spring Shoot Out. Provides details of each including dates and registration.
Hockey Tournament for boys aged 9 to 19 and girls 16 to 20.
Information about an annual tournament in Brandon Manitoba. Both male and female teams.
Located in Oaks, Pennsylvania. Go to the tournament section.
Official site of Outaouais Elites AAA annual tournament
Peewee, Bantam, and Midget Major AAA Hockey Tournament involving 76 entries in Sudbury, Ontario.
International adult and youth ice hockey tournaments.
Opportunity for exposure to private schools.
Hockey Tournament listing service
A summer hockey tournament for elite "AAA" hockey teams.
Adult recreational hockey tournaments and vacations.

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April 23, 2022 at 14:42:25 UTC
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