Shotokan and Shotkai Karate evolved from the teachings of Master Gichin Funakoshi. Though Shotokan and Shotokai karate has it's roots in Okinawa it is considered to be a Japanese Martial Art.
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Subcategories 4
Sites 5
Detailed description, techniques, history and related information.
Shotokan Karate techniques, philosophy, kata, kumite, and history. Downloadable kata movies (mpg). (Java Required)
History, interviews, philosophy, technical essays, photos, and videos on Shotokai Karate-do and Budo in general. [English/Spanish]
Run by sensei C.M. Smaby, based in Cedar Rapids. Instructor, classes and events.
Chilean Shotokai activities, history, interviews, philosophy, photos. [English/Spanish]
History, interviews, philosophy, technical essays, photos, and videos on Shotokai Karate-do and Budo in general. [English/Spanish]
Chilean Shotokai activities, history, interviews, philosophy, photos. [English/Spanish]
Shotokan Karate techniques, philosophy, kata, kumite, and history. Downloadable kata movies (mpg). (Java Required)
Detailed description, techniques, history and related information.
Run by sensei C.M. Smaby, based in Cedar Rapids. Instructor, classes and events.
Other languages 4
Last update:
November 1, 2023 at 5:45:11 UTC
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