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This category is for Star Trek fanfiction sites which contain some or all adult content. Adult content means R and NC-17-rated stories, but it can also include explicit fan art. Sites with all G-PG or low PG-13 content, even if they are slash fiction, should be submitted to the appropriate category in Arts.

Sites which archive fiction for only one author, e.g. that author''s personal site, will be listed in Authors. Multi-author archives, Fuh-q Fest pages and other cooperative endeavors will be listed in the general category.

If your personal site has fiction for multiple fandoms, please submit the page which contains your TOS (Star Trek: The Original Series, Animated Series and movies STI-VI) fiction.

Chat rooms, forums, mailing lists, and bulletin boards that are about adult Stark Trek fan fiction.
Adult stories focusing on characters from the fifth Star Trek series.
This category is for Star Trek fanfiction sites which contain some or all adult content. Adult content means R and NC-17-rated stories, but it can also include explicit fan art. Sites with all G-PG or low PG-13 content, even if they are slash fiction, can be found in the appropriate category in Arts. Sites which archive fiction for only one author, e.g. that author's personal site, are listed in Authors. Multi-author archives, Fuh-q Fest pages and other cooperative endeavors are listed in the general category.
This category is for Star Trek fanfiction sites which contain some or all adult content. Adult content means R and NC-17-rated stories, but it can also include explicit fan art. Sites with all G-PG or low PG-13 content, even if they are slash fiction, should be submitted to the appropriate category in Arts.

Sites which archive fiction for only one author, e.g. that author''s personal site, will be listed in Authors. Multi-author archives, Fuh-q Fest pages and other cooperative endeavors will be listed in the general category.

If your personal site has fiction for multiple fandoms, please submit the page which contains your TOS (Star Trek: The Original Series, Animated Series and movies STI-VI) fiction.