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Please submit only sites that are devoted solely to heterosexual fan fiction. Slash fiction should be submitted to Adult:Arts:Literature:Fiction:Fan_Fiction:Stargate_SG-1:Slash. Sites with both slash and het stories should be submitted to Adult:Arts:Literature:Fiction:Fan_Fiction:Stargate_SG-1


Het fan fiction features graphic heterosexual relationships.
Please submit only sites that are devoted solely to heterosexual fan fiction. Slash fiction should be submitted to Adult:Arts:Literature:Fiction:Fan_Fiction:Stargate_SG-1:Slash. Sites with both slash and het stories should be submitted to Adult:Arts:Literature:Fiction:Fan_Fiction:Stargate_SG-1
Please submit sites featuring slash fiction that pairs Daniel and Jack only. Sites featuring other pairing should be submitted to the main categeory for Stargate SG-1: Slash.