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The sites listed in this category are international escort directories, agencies, and resources.
1. Porn sites (Free, AVS, or Members) - Submissions of porn sites to this category will be treated like spam, and deleted. Please submit porn sites to the appropriate category under: Adult/Image_Galleries/

2. Individual service provider, and non-international sites will be forwarded to the appropriate Adult/Regional category for review, and not listed here.

3. Repeat submissions, and "link farm" submissions will be deleted.

4. Any site submitted that requires a password, must have a password included within the site description. This password will be removed before the site is listed. If the password is not provided, the submission will be deleted.

5. Sites submitted must have a complete English translation for review.

This category lists sites of individual international female sex workers.
This category lists sites of individual international male sex workers.
If your site has a membership section, you need to include a username and password which will be used for review purposes only. Add this at the end of your site description from where it will be removed when the site is listed. Failure to do this will at best result in a long delay before your site is reviewed.

Sites of sex workers prepared to travel should be submitted in the region in which they are based. Again, failure to do this will severely delay your site being listed.

If your site has a membership section, you need to include a username and password which will be used for review purposes only. Add this at the end of your site description from where it will be removed when the site is listed. Failure to do this will at best result in a long delay before your site is reviewed. Sites of sex workers prepared to travel should be submitted in the region in which they are based. Again, failure to do this will severely delay your site being listed.