Lists of websites which contain Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual adult material.
Sites must meet all minimum content requirements and submission guidelines, otherwise will be deleted. Minimum Content Requirements:
30 listed sites at the time of submission other than those which are controlled by or affiliated with the Link Site webmaster.
Submissions are NOT permitted to contain:
More than 1 Full Page Advertisement.
More than 1 pop-up console window.
A combination of a Full Page Advertisement with a pop-up console window on the same website.
Link Site listings consisting primarily of a webmaster''s own websites / partners / affiliates.
Any form of unconventional traffic creation / manipulation.
Excessive text / banner / graphic advertisements.
Any blind / misleading links.
Any automatic downloads.
To ensure ODP surfers find sites of value, our listing criteria requires that Link Sites link to what ODP editors deem sufficient, unique, and quality content. Webmasters must regularly maintain and update their Link Sites, be actively adding new links, and edit their listings'' titles and descriptions to reflect content accurately.