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The Web Design and Development category acts as a guide which provides surfers resources and services having to do with all aspects of site design including development, maintenance and promotion of web sites.
Please peruse the descriptions of the subcategories and submit your site to the area that is most appropriate. Duplicate submissions i.e., the same site submitted repeatedly to single or multiple Web Design and Development categories are not considered to be an acceptable practice by the Open Directory Project.

Sites that are incomplete, for example, have an "under construction" notice or contain broken graphics or links have a poor chance of being listed. Please wait to submit your web site until it is complete.

When you are ready to submit your site, please double-check the URL, and, if possible, include an e-mail address so that should there be any additional questions you may be contacted in a timely fashion.

The Authoring category guides users to non-commercial resources for web site design and development: guides and tutorials, software and webmaster resources. If you provide an Authoring resource (non-commercial guide, web site development resource or a directory to resources), please submit to the most appropriate Authoring category or sub-category. If you are a web site developer or designer wishing to list a site offering professional services, please submit your URL to the category Adult/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development, and locate the most appropriate subcategory which best describes the services offered.
Sites that offer a full range of bundled services: web site design, hosting, maintenance, marketing and promotion, should be submitted to Adult/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers.
The Designers category lists sites that provide basic services such as shopping carts, domain name registration and hosting assistance, search engine submission, maintenance and custom graphics to full service options which includes the aforementioned services and e-commerce solutions, server-side programming and databases, multi-media web design and consulting. Sites that provide primarily hosting services or provide graphics and hosting solutions or template based design work and hosting packages should submit their listing requests to Adult/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting.
Sites listed here offer disk space and services for adult web sites. Often, they will also host a domain name (such as When selecting a web host, it is good to compare prices and services offered before making a decision. It is also a good idea to get opinions from others who use these systems since some web hosts are reliable and trustworthy, while others are scams and are very unreliable. Free web hosting (sites listed separately) generally implies that you will need to display ad banners on your web pages. Again, some hosting services are better than others.
Please only submit sites that specialize in adult web hosting. If you offer a majority of your services as non-adult web hosting, your submission should be to the appropriate Top category. This category should be specifically for adult web hosting.
This category is for sites providing information or services related to website promotion. This includes search engine placement, advertising, link exchanges and traffic marketing.
All sites must comply with ODP guidelines.
The Webmaster Resources category acts as a guide which provides surfers resources and services having to do with all aspects of web site development including affiliate programs, content providers, publications, conventions and conferences, guides and tutorials and various webmaster resources. Sites that are incomplete, having Under Construction notices, or which contain broken graphics or links have a poor chance of being listed. Please wait to submit your web site until it is complete. Please double-check the URL, and, if possible, include an e-mail address so you may be contacted should any questions arise. If you provide webmaster resources in multiple areas of web site development, or provide a usable service to webmasters, submit your URL here. Resources should provide information, tutorials and other web site components for the webmaster to use.
The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated.

Submissions that include a referral ID will not be reviewed.

  • The title should be the name of your site that appears on the web page, or your company name.
    • Do not type in all caps.
    • Do not include a list of keywords in the title.
    • Do not include your products in the title.
    • Do not write a sales pitch in the title.
  • The description should be a brief summary of your site''s purpose or products and services.
    • The description should be in english and in coherent sentence form.
    • Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch.
    • Do not submit your company history.
    • Do not submit a list of keywords.
    • Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
  • Submit to only ONE category
    • Please check that your site does not have a sub-category dedicated to it already. If it does submit to that category, but not both.