This category contains sites primarily of interest to lesbians, and thus differs from the apparently similar Adult/Image_Galleries/Gay,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Lesbian/For_Men/, which instead is targeted to a male audience.
Sites which contain content or advertising aimed at a male audience should not be submitted here.
Any webmaster submitting a site for lisitng in the category please supply a temporary password for the editor to review the site along with your submission. Please place that in the description area when you submit your site or supply a valid email address where an editor can request a password or an inside URL. No site will be added without being reviewed by the editor.'s dictionary gives this:
Les•bi•an (lez'b E • u n), — adj. 1. of or pertaining to Lesbos. 2. ( usually l.c. ) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of female homosexuality. 3. ( usually l.c. ) erotic; sensual. — n. 1. an inhabitant of Lesbos. 2. ( usually l.c. ) a female homosexual.
The sites in this category are designed for male users, unlike the similar Adult/Image_Galleries/Gay,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Lesbian, which featured sites targeted at a female audience.
***Please DO NOT submit your sites here. Choose a proper category from the following pages:***
Provides content aimed primarily at lesbian women. Sites aimed primarily at men should be placed in the "For Men" category.
Submit sites that have targetting specifically designed for women only. If there is any reference to men in the advertising it will be moved to the for men category.