My Account
This section contains websites that are personal home pages or are personal ads. Please choose the appropriate category. Please do not submit sites with galleries of pictures here. Those should be submitted to Adult/Image_Galleries under an appropriate category.
Here you will find listings of ACTUAL websites that offer personal ads of an ADULT nature. Many websites have links to many different dating websites or to an affiliate programs of one particular company. Those can be found under Adult: Society: People: Personals: Link_Sites
Look here for sites in which the site owners talk about themselves, their lives, their interests, their activities. Sites are arranged by site name.
Resources for women, about women and most often provided by women.
Many chat, forum and discussion groups will fit into a more specific category than Adult: Society: People: Women: Chats, Forums, Discussions. Please check to make sure there isn''t a more specific area to submit your group''s information.