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This category is for online anime roleplaying games. Tabletop anime RPGs (also called pen-and-paper RPGs) are listed in Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Anime.
IRC RPG''s inspired by a particular Anime (such as Sailor Moon) should be placed in their own subcategory if one exists.

IRC RPG''s not related to Anime should be placed in an appropriate subcategory of Games: Online: Roleplaying: IRC.

For roleplaying games played in AIM/AOL IM or other non-IRC chat forums, please submit to Games: Online: Chats and Forums instead.

For all other (not played in chat) roleplaying games, find the appropriate subcategory of Games: Roleplaying.

This category contains websites pertaining to the playing of games on Web-based message boards, for example the boards provided by Yahoo or OneList. These games are typically played by taking turns posting messages.
Games played or discussed in Chat forums, on electronic bulletin boards, or similar sites where text messages are exchanged.