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Originally released in 1995, "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing" is the second alternate universe (AC) TV series from the long-standing Gundam saga. Unlike the super-robotish "Mobile Fighter G Gundam," the story and military undertones of Gundam Wing closely resembles "Gundam 0079," the original Gundam animation from the universal century (UC). However, Gundam Wing features unique elements such as bishonen ("beautiful boys") and lavish settings, giving this series a unique place in the history of Gundam animations.
(1) Please submit only sites related to Gundam Wing; If your sites covers Gundam Wing as well as other UC/AC Gundam series, please submit under the Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam category.

(2) Please do NOT submit your site if it is not ready or under construction; your submission will NOT be considered.
(3) Please do not submit your site more than once. This includes sub-sections of a listed site (e.g., image galleries, fan fiction page, etc.).

This category contains several sub-categories which deal with specific subjects (character shrines, fan fiction, RPG, and mailing list/forums/webrings). If your site specializes in any of the above subjects, please submit your site to the most appropriate subcategory.

Gundam Wing is a television show that originated in Japan. Like other popular Japanese shows it migrated to the U.S. and some other countries to by now. This category deals with sites specifically about the characters of the show.
Please submit sites that are about the characters of Gundam Wing, no other Gundam series. These sites contents should be about Gundam Wing characters only. Also sites about popular characters should be submitted into that characters sub-category. Thank You
This category contains online clubs for Gundam Wing fans.
Please submit only sites related to Gundam Wing clubs; Please do NOT submit your site if it is not ready or under construction; your submission will not be considered.
Released in the spring of 1997, "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" is a three-part original video animation (OVA) which serves as the sequel as well as the prequel of the highly popular "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing" TV series. It depicts a new conflict a year after the disasterous Earth-Space War, as well as recounting the early lives and mysterious past of the five Gundam pilots. Endless Waltz features redesigned mechas by the famous Gundam designer Hajime Katoki and revamped costume and settings by Yutaka Izubuchi. The result is another mage success which concludes the After Colony saga on a high note, and it spurned a 90 minute movie version in 1998 in times for original Gundam's 20th Anniversery.
(1) Please submit only sites related to Endless Waltz; If your sites covers Endless Waltz as well as other UC/AC Gundam series, please submit under the Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam category.

(2) Please do NOT submit your site if it is not ready or under construction; your submission will NOT be considered.
(3) Please do not submit your site more than once. This includes sub-sections of a listed site (e.g., image galleries, fan fiction page, etc.).

This category contains several sub-categories which deal with specific subjects (character shrines, fan fiction, RPG, and mailing list/forums/webrings). If your site specializes in any of the above subjects, please submit your site to the most appropriate subcategory.

This is a main category which house the general fan sites for Gundam Wing sort ed by alphabetical order.
(1) Please submit only sites related to Gundam Wing; If your sites covers Gundam Wing as well as other UC/AC Gundam series, please submit under the

Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam category.

(2) Please do NOT submit your site if it is not ready or under construction; your submission will NOT be considered.

(3) Please do not submit your site more than once. This includes sub-sections of a listed site (e.g., image galleries, fan fiction page, etc.).

The GW main category contains several sub-categories which deal with specific subjects (character shrines, fan fiction, RPG, and mailing list/forums/webrings). If your site specializes in any of the above subjects, please submit your site to the most appropriate subcategory.

This is a main category which feature fan fiction and fan art of Gundam Wing.
Any submitted fan works sites contain adult/hentai/sexual content will not be considered. If your fan works site contains adult and sexual content, please submits it to:

This category is for fan sites with a humorous view on Gundam Wing saga.
Please submit sites for Gundam Wing Humors only.
The is the category for Gundam Wing websites which offers a variety of multimedia such as wallpaper, ICQ/Winamp skins, mp3s, wavs, game emulators, etc..
Please submit only sites relating to Gundam Wing multimedia.
These categories include Gundam Wing role playing game sites, categorized by the first letter of site's title.
(1) Please submit only sites related to Gundam Wing role playing game; If your sites covers Gundam Wing as well as other UC/AC Gundam series, please submit under the Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam: Games: Roleplaying category.

(2) Please do NOT submit your site if it is not ready or under construction; your submission will NOT be considered.

(3) Please do not submit your site more than once. This includes sub-sections of a listed site (e.g., image galleries, fan fiction page, etc.).