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This category is for Pokémon sites which deal mainly with the Japanese Animation (Anime) TV shows.
Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Find the single most appropriate category for your site. With few exceptions, sites are listed in the directory in one category only.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • Sites which are gateways or splash pages to affiliate sites will not be added.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • Sites in the directory are subject to changes in placement, description and possible removal from the directory, based on this review.

All sites submitted are reviewed by the directory''s editors. Sites are listed by the site''s actual title, followed by a brief description. This description will be based on the information you provide and the review of the website. Sites will be placed in the single most applicable and highest category based on our review. Sites which are continually submitted to the directory, using either a main url, mirrors or sub-pages, will be banned.

Note: All general topic fan pages are being listed in Games: Video Games: Roleplaying: P: Pokémon Series: Fan Pages. They are sorted by the first letter in the site''s title. Please submit fan page to the appropriate sub-category.

Believe it or not, every person on the planet does not like Pokemon. This section contains a selection of Anti Pokemon sites which serve to express people's varying views on the subject.
Please only submit Anti Pokemon sites to this category. Sites with little or no Anti Pokemon content will not be accepted ;-). If you know of an Anti Pokemon webring or top list then please use the special categories. That''s why they''re there!
You can submit sites about the specific characters of Pokemon in this category. Any character/group-related site can be added as long as it is not about Team Rocket. It has it''s own category and you can view it here.
Sites here should be focused on fan creations, including fan art and fan fiction.