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Ranma ½ is a martial arts romance/comedy anime, based on a manga by Rumiko Takahashi. Thanks to his idiot father, 16 year old martial artist Ranma Saotome is cursed to turn into a girl whenever he's splashed with cold water; hot water will turn him back to a boy, but only until the next time he encounters cold water. Soon after he's cursed, he finds out his father also engaged him to a girl he's never met, much less heard of, and she isn't any happier about this "surprise" than he is.

And so begins the story.

Please only submit sites dealing only the anime, Ranma ½; sites which deal with more than one series should be submitted to Arts/Animation/Anime/Fandom/.

Sites with both anime and manga content can also be submitted to this category. Sites dealing with the manga only need to be submitted to Arts/Comics/Manga/Titles/Ranma_½ .

The "Fan Pages" category is for any Ranma ½ site that is about the series in general, or doesn''t fit into any of the other categories. Sites which are about more than one series should go to the general anime fandom category. Sites about the Ranma characters should go to the Characters category. Fan fiction (or fan fiction plus fan art about the fan fiction) sites should go to the Fan Fiction category. Relationship sites should go to the Relationships category. Sites primarily containing fan created content like fan art, WinAmp skins, music videos, and such should go to the Fan Works category.
The "Fan Works" category is for sites which concentrate on fan produced content, which mainly means fan fiction and fan art, but can also be things like music videos, WinAmp skins, and so on. Sites with fan works from multiple series should go to the generic anime fan works category. A site which contains fan produced content relating to Ranma , but which is not primarily about such content, should go to the Fan Pages category.

Anything that''s primarily fan fiction, or fan fiction with fan art relating to the fan fiction, should be submitted to the Fan Fiction category.

This category is for images galleries from only Ranma anime, or Ranma anime and manga. A site with image galleries from multiple titles should go to the general anime image galleries category. A site with fan art from multiple series should go to the general anime fan art category.

A site with both official Ranma images and a Ranma fan art should go to Fan Pages. A site with only fan art should go to Fan Works. A site with only Ranma manga images should go to the Ranma manga category.